If talking to many people and actively socializing and meeting new friends and bonding outside of my room away from a...

if talking to many people and actively socializing and meeting new friends and bonding outside of my room away from a computer and making sure to strengthen those bonds and being there to help one another when one needs it and then making all sorts of new friends in a myriad of different social groups cause that's just the smart thing to go and also enjoying every bit of the serotonin and bliss and pure unadulterated joy a human being can get from connecting with one another is normie...

...well then, you can call me a normie

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> le brazilian tranny
neck yourself

god he'd look good in a diaper

If I wasn't so scared I'd do this


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>talking to many people and actively socializing

Most people hate tranny lover homos like OP so I doubt this

i want to destroy this whores boipucci to teach him a lesson about dressing like a girl


so... uh.. source?

I'm a 27 khv never had gf and I'm terrified if someone finds out. I don't talk to anyone.

>actively socializing and meeting new friends
How does one do this. I signed up for a soccer club that starts next month, but other than that, I don't drink and I don't even have 1 friend to go out with to begin with because I relocated for work.

if anybody judged you for that they're retarded, brother. Don't fear that. Find people who see the worth in you

imagine being this bluepilled. even when I spoke about this to therapists they fucking stopped for a second and suprised. I will never do it and die alone.

>therapists they fucking stopped for a second and suprised
Pausing during a conversation doesn't always mean "omg lol look at this loser"

Post pic I can be your gf

Would stil bang

>used to be an outcast and loner
>turn into a normie
>now I just want to stay in bed all day and get drunk until the sweet embrace of death is upon me

For fucks sake normie life is just boring as fuck, I have no motivation to do anything anymore. In the eyes of normies I am successfull, have a great job, great body, great gf... I just feel like I should just lay down and go to sleep now I did what society asked of me. Just dont wake me up...

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>left click image to expand
>right click image
>google search this image
>scroll down

i might be a friendless khv too, but i'll never forget this user's words whenever i feel like hating myself

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I want to marry Sayuri Mattar and make love to her in the missionary position with the sole purpose of making babies

Luckily you can't impregnate a man so your homo genes aren't gonna be passed on


Work, education courses, sports clubs etc.
I always find it happens randomly, I'm bad at actively making friends myself.

99% of our parents are straight..

due, this guy below
Maybe there were trying to convey "oh wow, a handsome young man who's a virgin?" in a kind of way to maybe show they believe it's something you can attain quite easily.

I was depressed and somewhat suicidal a year ago. Constantly put all my efforts into self improvement and clawed my way out of there. I can put myself through so much pain you wouldnt believe user, I have worked out with broken bones days after I had an accident. I have picked up dangerous hobbies and am getting good at them quickly because I dont fear death.

Since then I advanced in my job, got a decent friend circle and an amazing gf alongside having hobbbies that fullfill me. But that void inside never goes away, I have just accepted to live with it. I will strive to be special and great until the inevitable day when one of my endevours ends my life. And although I really dont want to die and feel alive when I am following my dreams I wouldnt mind it. I would die with a smile on my face, I clawed myself back from the abyss. I have seen the bottom and never thought I could come back... I have tasted the normie life and it never was for me. I was just never made to live in this world I am a warrior at heart. I only feel truly alive when I am pushing my limits.

I truly hope for you it is gonna be different and once you achieve happiness and the normie life you will just be able to be happy and settle down. For me it just made it obvious to me that I was never made for it. People around me admire me for my achievements and I can tell many love me for the person I am. But deep down I am just too far gone, too different... For a while always wanting to have more and more and push harder and harder made me happy and numb the pain. Now I am finally at a point where I have almost everything I wanted and I just feel empty. I miss the struggle, the pain and the misery...

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> it's something you can attain quite easily.
Ha-hahah...., if only. If it was, there wouldnt be so many khvs. Very difficult

I think you need to get professional help user. It may just be a chemical imbalance but I've got a hunch it's stuff that happened when you were a kid.
Physically/ physiological abusive parents, sexual abuse/ some other traumatic experience. etc etc

> achieve happiness

I don't think anyone is every permanently happy. Gotta take the little successes you have everyday and learn to accept reality for how it is.

To me it also sounds like you need to get a crew of dudes you can relate to. While you have people around you, there probably low IQ/ boring.
This emptiness might stem from the fact you can't relate to most people. Therefore you self isolate.


what a chad

how tf does she manage to look hotter every year?

If staying in my room all the time and shunning all social interaction while only focusing on school training and anime because I feel dirty and disgusted and ashamed if I am around another person who isn't my mom or dad is based...

...well then you can call me based

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