This is a judgement free zone , tell me what troubles you brehs

This is a judgement free zone , tell me what troubles you brehs

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I’ve become extremely used to being alone. I’ve developed such a rigid routine that I’m afraid even trying to have a significant other would upend my entire life

There's already a thread up

My wife is in labour with my son and I'm on Zig Forums. I'll be driving to the hospital in a couple hours when she enters the active stage but still. I don't think I'll be a good father. I've taken an interest in fitness because of him.

I think I'm turning into my dad, but worse. All I want to do is stay home and watch comfy tv shows and go to the gym.
Also I might've shown my powerlevel to my mom when talking about jews

Get this man a cigar. Congratulations.

This is natural. When my son was still in the womb I completley changed as a person. I started working out, started a garden, got my shit together basically. It is a good sign and you should follow that instinct. You are doing the male equivilant of female nesting. You are preparing yourself to provide for someone other than yourself. I wish you good luck

>might've shown my powerlevel to my mom when talking about jews
that wasn't very smart, you actually hate jews?

If you're truly disciplined you should know that a significant other won't change this. Unless you spend your entire day at the gym. But you don't do that do you user?

My roomie got the wu flu and I'm not allowed to leave my apartment. I do calisthenics when possible but it's not enough compared to what I usually do.
One of my roommates is a girl I'm close with, she is mentally unstable but it feels like this is the only time I truly had a crush on a girl's personality. I don't know what wisdom is but she is making me happy. I hope I can be with her more often and turn this crapshoot into something good.

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Tried to bench press 35kg with my neck like a fucking rookie.
Now my Neck hurts since Saturday.
And yes I injured myself by doing warm ups.