FACT: every single person on Zig Forums above the age of 22 has listened to AOTP or JMT while lifting at least once in...

FACT: every single person on Zig Forums above the age of 22 has listened to AOTP or JMT while lifting at least once in their lives


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nobody knows what your faggot fedora bullshit is and nobody cares, retard. also, wrong board. fuck off.

I don't listen to music while I lift. gotta stay ready and aware of my surroundings at all times.

Never even heard of them
>look them up
I make a conscious effort to avoid music made by fat fucks

they're alright, Immortal Technique is superior though

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underage, AOTP was prime 2012 era

I'm 30 and don't listen to music that isn't guitar-centric. Stay mad

haha no



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from someone who enjoys guitar based music, there's a lot of decent rap out there. it's sort of like Zig Forums, hunting for gold in an ocean of piss. sometimes you find gold, most of the time it's just piss.

Absolutely based
Nah fuck that
Violent by Design is a fantastic album

i still like Immortal Technique more

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based and polski pilled

The Wise Men Fear > your gay shit

I've tried. Its not my thing

nothing wrong with that

I can literally feel the stupid nigger emanating from the music infecting my brain with the disease of cotton


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I Pray to God that he christen me and offer the wine / The mental, the father, supporter that follow the craft / The end of the honor, the order of Solomon's wrath / The sender, the armor, the slaughter, the fall of Shahbaz / The lender, the ender, the fallen, the fall of the crash / He knew that he would be murdered, so he went to Tibet / They hid a personal word in the T-Temple of Set
There's an unholy clutch in the fifth and the four / Superhuman intelligent prediction of war

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I prefer

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Black people used to be so based 30 years ago.What happened ?


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they were never based. the redpill is that jazz was the start of the downfall of western civilization.

Based, gotta stay on guard when the gym tigers are on the loose. You never know when they might attack.

Jmt and aotp are goat lifting music. That album is so good. Dump the clip, front line, and seven are all god tier. Vinnie paz fell off hard though, which is too bad because stoupe is still an amazing producer.


Uhh I don't need your approval you fuckin' faggot nigger lover. Go listen to your fuckin' gay ass rap, bitch. I would fuckin' drop a plate on your fuckin' face while you were in the middle of a set you fuckin' cunt. Knock out all those fuckin' teeth.

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T. 29yr

Yeah, you're correct.

Fuckin' schnook.

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that movie sucked and you talk like a fag.

One of the best movies ever made, incel. Fuckin' faggot.

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keep ending your words with apostrophes, makes you look real tough

Fuckin' cocksuckin' mothafucka. I was already going to, dumb ass.

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Ohh maddon' that was the gayest fuckin' post I've ever seen.

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So fuckin' gay.

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