Can you get away with a higher protein:fat ratio on a keto diet if you IM fast daily and consume virtually zero carbs?

Can you get away with a higher protein:fat ratio on a keto diet if you IM fast daily and consume virtually zero carbs?

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I'm combusting of cringe rn.

yes, coffee is fine for you as long as you dont have too much in the afternoon


Keto is for DYEL's and for people who have 71> IQ.

What is your goal with keto? to lose weight? To get some placebo health effects that a fitness utuber brainwashed you into believing by cherrypicking research?

I feel like shit if I eat basically any carbs but on keto I feel great after meals. It also makes fasting easier because it eliminates hunger pangs.

The science is pretty clear on keto.

> attempting to make an insult based on IQ value and failing to account for bounds

Are you saying that keto is superior to fat loss?

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Insulting someone for eating in an inferior way? Both in terms of muscle growth and health? Yeah that's me.

Why would putting your body in a state where it exclusively uses fat for fuel not be better for fat loss?

Muscle growth is debatable, but I see zero evidence that keto diet is "unhealthier" than a traditional diet.

Because fat loss comes down to a calorie deficit, not the fact that you are eating in a specific way (macro wise). Give it a google search my friend, probably best to learn the basic function of fat loss b4 you do some potentially stupid shit.

>relying on animal products almost completely.
>Not eating carbs as a lifter.
aight KETO-WARRIOR. Go drink your healthy bulletproof coffee.

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You eat less calories on keto because fats are far more satiating. It's pretty simple.

>relying on animal products almost completely.

Lots of olive oil, veggies, seafood, so no.

>Not eating carbs as a lifter.

I don't lift all the gyms in my city are closed. I'm doubling down and trying to just become as lean as possible.

>for people who have 71> IQ
>for people who have 71 greater than IQ

How do i get rid of the desire and need to figure out a way to make a woman like the one in the OP's pic want me?

I feel like shit when i see women like these bcause I think i have to act like an aloof badboy who sort of disrespects her in order to get her to like me.

Focus on all the reasons why she very likely won't live up to your expectations.

Most modern women are trash, especially tattooed thots. The image you have of her in your head is an illusion.

I guess the expectations i have of heri n my head would matter if i wanted to be in a relationship with her, but its more of a "I want her to want me and have her validate me by allowing me to have sex with her."

I'd feel fine never being in a relationship with her, I just want to be so impressive that she lets me plough her.

>fat loss comes down to a calorie deficit, not the fact that you are eating in a specific way (macro wise)
This is physiologically untrue, and you'd see why if you actually understood the science behind it. Being on keto or the carnivore diet isn't like any other diet; it's taking advantage of a completely natural metabolic pathway that's been made useless in everyday life due to agriculture.

You do realize the point of fat is literally ketosis, right? That's the whole reason it exists. To keep your body running in the absence of carbohydrates, which mind you, was a very real thing that happened constantly to early humans in hunter-gatherer societies when the only foods available were derived from animals.

We store excess carbs as fat for this scenario specifically, and eating at a calorie deficit is so much more ineffective because it's not how are bodies are metabolically supposed to get rid of fat.

And to answer yes, you could get away with a higher protein to fat ratio regardless so long as you have enough fat in the first place. Your body will almost always choose to keep muscle over fat due to it's importance in securing food and it's lower caloric content.

Keto is a meme made for overweight facebook moms who don't have the mental strength for CICO

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Ive been on and off keto for almost 10 years before it was a "meme", were you even on the internet then?

Wrong mentality, understand that women want to feel validated by your attention not the other way around, especially girls like pic related

No, it's just way easier if you're starting as a fat fuck.
The main benefit of keto is loss of hunger. Anything else is secondary. Keto makes people like you had because it's easier to adhere to.
>Don't do things that work for you because another thing would also work

And it makes CICOfags mad because it more easily achieves the same weight loss.

>do keto before the keto craze
>"wow this makes it a bit easier to focus"
>"wow this makes it a little eaiser diet"
>see keto craze, keto moms, keto 'desserts' and now hate keto.

How to change that mentality?

And how well has the diet served you over those ten years? Legit curious
>were you even on the internet then?
To be fair I was a wee lad playing flash games back then

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Not that guy, but in 5 years of intermittent keto I lost and kept off 102lb total.
My mom lost enough to be lighter than when she got married, and cured her diabetes. No more meds.

I do it when I cut and it works great. Last time I lost 40-50 lbs in about 6 months with minimal muscle loss.

Wrong, Potatoes are the most satiating food there is and its dirt cheap.
You can get away with it no matter what. Gluconeogenesis is demand driven not supply driven. You dont even understand the nonsense youre pushing.

I want an arthoe gf so bad!

NO, user!!!
don't stick your dick in crazy!

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