How is it that people spend sub 1 hour - 1 and a half hours in the gym?
I only recently started working out, and do a 4 day a week program. I usually jump rope, foam roll, and stretch to warm up. After that, for each compound lift I warm up with the bar, then 70%, 90%, and wait 5 minutes. Then, I do each set with a rest in between, usually 3 minutes if I finished the set easy, 4 minutes if I almost failed on the last one or two reps, and 5 minutes if I failed the last rep. I do squats, bench or OHP/deadlift, then accessory supersets like facepulls and shit depending on the day, and maybe some ab work.
This all takes me about 2-3 hours, yet I just recently saw a thread here confused at how people can spend more than one hour in the gym at a time. Why do I take so fucking long, and is the time I'm using in the gym wasteful at any point in the above outline?
No fucking idea, OP. I am approaching the end of SS, and I need reliably two hours to finish my routine, while some people praise the program for being able to get in and out of the gym in 45 minutes.
If I don't rest enough between my sets, I won't finish them - especially for squats and OHP. I'm just so fucking gassed after a work set.
I try to work out with friends, but by the time I'm done with my squats, they are already starting to wrap up...
>I am approaching the end of SS, and I need reliably two hours to finish my routine, while some people praise the program for being able to get in and out of the gym in 45 minutes. Exactly! I was on strict SS (what I'm doing now is a tweaked version my trainer set up for more volume) for a month or so, and even then I was in the gym for a minimum of 2 hours. Even if I tried to rush my workouts it still felt like much longer than people claim, and now that I have even more volume on everything (usually either a 1x2 or 2x10 in addition to 3x5's on my compounds, then the supersets) it's approaching or exceeding 3 hours. I'd fucking love to spend less time working out since it does start to get draining near the end, but I have absolutely no clue how to. Are these people claiming sub-one hour workouts just not warming up or something?
Jaxon Diaz
I just superset everything. Like if i do push day i'll bench and not superset anything bc its my main exercise. then ill superset dips with lateral raises and overhead dumbell press with flies. thats it so it takes the same time as doing 3 exercises even if im actually doing 5 (if u do shoulders with triceps one muscle is resting while you do the other one, so youre fine )
Benjamin Gray
At least 1 hour. 5x5 takes too long so I just reduced it one single working set instead of multiple sets.
Camden Ross
Most people don't foam roll or do cardio if they're lifting. They also don't use long rest times. That's it.
Jason Rogers
Depends on the split. Average a little bit more than one hour tho
Jack Green
>or do cardio if they're lifting. It's not cardio necessarily, just a quick ~3 minutes of jump rope to get my heart rate up. What exactly are the usual rest times? I thought my 3/4/5 rest system was pretty usual on compounds.
Benjamin Murphy
you spend 3 hours in the gym and I guaran-fucking-tee you cant even bench 315 or deadlift 5pl8
I do both FOR REPS NATTY and spend and hour MAX in the gym, even during my program days where I'm doing 10 sets of 3 reps @85% 1rm
Oliver Hall
>you spend 3 hours in the gym and I guaran-fucking-tee you cant even bench 315 or deadlift 5pl8 You fucking idiot, did I not say in OP that I've only been working out for a short time? I started this thread to understand how people take so little time in the gym and maybe change up the way I work out to decrease time spent - is your ego so frail that you take even the smallest indication that you may not be the best lifter in some given thread as a personal threat to yourself? Asinine.