How should one lift to achieve this aesthetic? I feel like this is the ultimate Zig Forums look

How should one lift to achieve this aesthetic? I feel like this is the ultimate Zig Forums look.

Attached: tom.jpg (1125x750, 201.86K)

lift with a focus on shoulders and chest and back. have a natural v taper and a little bit more bodyfat than usual

Inject saline in balls

nice gyno

What about butt?

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Why are they wearing diapers?


If that guy was 6' how much would he weigh and at what bf? I'm guessing low 190s and 13-15% bf.

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they are underpants, you faggot. they are old timey underpants.
these drawing date from like mid fifties onwards.

I don't think diapers are supposed to show your buttcheeks.

Tom of Finland is kino

yea im on google images and a lot of these are like my goal body.

literal gay dream


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yea i think im latently bisexual but I'm in a loving, LTR with a woman and don't have any true urge to be physical with men. more like sexual chauvinism heh

speak american, mother fucker

Posting in a based thread

Not only was Tom of Finland an exceptional artist he was also an exceptional human

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long term relationship you fucking virgin

Inspirational desu.


This thread is gay even by Zig Forums standards. If I stay here any longer I might catch the homo

no, this is the ultimate

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This should be a banner

Zig Forums - Fitness and literal gay porn


i dunno user, this seems a bit gay.

It is kinda funny that every zoomer now watches gay porn inspired anime.

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JoJo isn't gay, it leans heavilly onto traditional masculinity (well all the main males except maybe Johnny and part 8 Josuke) Just because they dress like metrosexual italian faggots doesn't mean they aren't more manly than 90% of Zig Forumsizens

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SQUARTS are absolutely all you need for lower body.
>imagine having to train calves lmao

user, Araki was heavily inspired by Tom of Finland. There's a reason that CLAMP started out with yaoi doujins of his work.

please I didn't want to remember THE EGG

Japanese women are disturbed.

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