How should one lift to achieve this aesthetic? I feel like this is the ultimate Zig Forums look.
How should one lift to achieve this aesthetic? I feel like this is the ultimate Zig Forums look
lift with a focus on shoulders and chest and back. have a natural v taper and a little bit more bodyfat than usual
Inject saline in balls
nice gyno
What about butt?
Why are they wearing diapers?
If that guy was 6' how much would he weigh and at what bf? I'm guessing low 190s and 13-15% bf.
they are underpants, you faggot. they are old timey underpants.
these drawing date from like mid fifties onwards.
I don't think diapers are supposed to show your buttcheeks.
Tom of Finland is kino
yea im on google images and a lot of these are like my goal body.
literal gay dream
yea i think im latently bisexual but I'm in a loving, LTR with a woman and don't have any true urge to be physical with men. more like sexual chauvinism heh
speak american, mother fucker
Posting in a based thread
Not only was Tom of Finland an exceptional artist he was also an exceptional human
long term relationship you fucking virgin
Inspirational desu.
This thread is gay even by Zig Forums standards. If I stay here any longer I might catch the homo
no, this is the ultimate
This should be a banner
Zig Forums - Fitness and literal gay porn
i dunno user, this seems a bit gay.
It is kinda funny that every zoomer now watches gay porn inspired anime.
JoJo isn't gay, it leans heavilly onto traditional masculinity (well all the main males except maybe Johnny and part 8 Josuke) Just because they dress like metrosexual italian faggots doesn't mean they aren't more manly than 90% of Zig Forumsizens
SQUARTS are absolutely all you need for lower body.
>imagine having to train calves lmao
user, Araki was heavily inspired by Tom of Finland. There's a reason that CLAMP started out with yaoi doujins of his work.
please I didn't want to remember THE EGG
Japanese women are disturbed.