*feels pecks for the first time ever *

>*feels pecks for the first time ever *

Attached: Machine-Fly.png (1320x903, 476.66K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>machine fly
>remains on ground

>Dumbbell flies
>It's actually a controlled ascent

>Cable fly is superior
Change my mind

>*tears your coracobrachialis*
Nothin' personal Arm

I can't keep my arms straight doing this.
-t skinny fat

Which machines are good for chest bois?

I bench (very light atm, just began) and polish off with the converging chest press and/or push ups.

cable crossover or dips are good additions to bench

Close grip bench or push-ups work for me.

your arms are supposed to be bent at a 15-20° angle
elbow hyperextension is bad
t. skinny

Machine fly is the best machine. Wish I had one for my home gym. DB fly just isn't the same

As a noobie you don't really need to care about optimization for another few months. Way to go is heavy bench for increased strength then flys (cable, machine, or db) in the higher rep ranges for size. You can also get by just doing volume work on bench and incline bench

I got a better contraction on machine. Cable also requires you to use two sets of cables which requires waiting around in a large gym

Yikes, really? You really never felt your pecs when you did dumbbell flies and benchpress?

Feels best for mee when my elbows are slightly bent

Thanks king

i can literally never feel my pecs when benching, its always in my armpit. should i do this instead?

You should fix your poor bench form

tell me what im doing wrong please. i read the starting strength book and copied the form to a t and still dont feel it

tuck your shoulders in more
make an arch
move your arms closer to your body when moving the bar, as in drop the bar lower on your chest
>wait it's a smith machine

keep doing converging as well its the goat chest machine your future jacked self will thank you for it

use a normal bench and barbell so you have actual control over the horizontal and vertical position of the bar, tuck your shoulder back more and slightly arch your back more
You look like you could probably push heavier weight than 1pl8, so shoot for +80% your 1rm depending on how many reps your do (don't immediately go for a PR if you aren't used to freeweight bench, star light lmao)

Well you’re on a smith machine which restricts your motion to a straight line. Not ideal for bench. If it’s all you have access to don’t listen to the purists it’s still better than nothing but it’s not really a bench press. Also you’ll be able to bench more so be aware of that. I can do 235 x 5 on the smith machine but only 215 x 5 on a real bench.

I do remember that I didn’t feel it in my pecs as a novice until I was doing like 155. It looks like you handle that weight pretty easily maybe challenge yourself by adding more.

>Dyel first contact with muscle stretch

Do what says and also when you are lifting think of yourself as pinching your pecs together instead of pushing away.

>benching on a smith machine
What the fuck are you doing?
Of course your form is shit.

Focus on strength if you began. Then hypertrophy towards end of workout.

I don't feel my chest at all when barbell benching so I just would do this and incline dumbbell press

If you dont feel your chest working on the bench press, you dont know how to bench press

>skull crushers
>head is still intact

>Decline bench press
>Do them anyways.

i really dont feel my chest when working bench. im at 105 lbs and i mainly feel it on my triceps

I don't even bother to use it cause there's always some dyel doing their 5x20 of cable flyes
Fuck yall