Gday lads
The weekend is up on us, what are your plans?
Cucktorians need not apply.
Gday lads
The weekend is up on us, what are your plans?
Cucktorians need not apply.
evening gents, how’s the hemmorhoids? for me, not so good.
Big drinking day with the soccer team this weekend.
Remember Ausbros we are ALL going to get a Steppe gf. No exceptions.
Leftist Melbourne here, continue seething fags
This thread is nothing to do with fitness
Go post this shit on Zig Forums or /soc/
I just had a pub feed with a cute and intelligent girl who is my friend. She paid for me.
Seething over what exactly? I went to the gym twice today, and the swimming centre.
I don't want a slant eye gf faggot
Finally starting to heat up a little now.
Ty bro, we're all gonna make it.
You weren't given an option.
Balkanchad here, how are Asstralians so based?
i have shat 3 times since getting home from work.
Is it the metamucil?
What did you eat today
>home gym
>master race
It's the weather
31c today. Not acclimatized to it so I'm just really annoyed since it's the first +30 day in over 6 months.
Was beautiful today, have a teaspoon of cement and harden the fuck up, cunt.
Not like it's bad just annoying. Air con aint working so I gotta get that done before it actually becomes hot.
27 tomorrow, going to the gym in the morning then down to Henley for a jetty jump.
Yeah. I've been wearing jackets and socks the past months so it took me a bit to notice something was wrong.
Ha maybe I should go out to Henely and watch you.
What's up faggots. Just bought a bottle of cheap chinky liquor, probably going to get hammered tonight.
Dont stand back and watch, join in the fun, mate. Best jetty for jumping in rAdelaide.
Drinking is bad for you bro.
>Drinking alcohol
ngmi sunshine
Faggot greens put a sign on my fence so I threw it away. Remember lads all commies get the rope.
Fuck off chang
Huh I just realized why these threads get deleted half the time. It's just an Australian social club on Zig Forums.
Finding out what that cunt Hannah Mouncey is up to.
Kys chang