How often do you have a cheat day?
How often do you drink?
How often do you have a cheat day?
How often do you drink?
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never you weak willed faggot.
Did you take this pic, OP?
You are only cheating yourself.
Lately I've been treating myself to a pizza on Sundays. My weekly weight gain is about .4lbs which is just above my target and it keeps me on track. Also the pump next day is unreal.
personally i keep to a single cheat meal per week, sometimes i eat a junk snack on that same day
pizza is probably the healthiest junk food, especially if it's homemade
No fucking idea, don't count, fuck you. Get the fuck out of my face
>cheat day
If you're trying to cut you should do a cheat meal at most, and you should still keep reasonable.
Once a month, refeed every two weeks. Lost 280 pounds doing this trust me. I do OMAD so it might be different if you dont
Every Sunday.
once a week
maybe once a month if that. big gains killer, I feel bad enough missing a day of my 6 day split or my cheat day alone and that shit dont hurt ya half as bad. plenty of people have made it with less strict diets and less frequent routines than im doing
>goal is to gain weight
>thinks there are such things as cheat days
bruh just eat it dont stress, cheat days are for fatties tryna cut
by cheat day do you mean the one day a week I allocate to having a slighty higher caloric intake. if so theres your answer. i never drink because i never have and never will, if you live your first 25 years and never drink its pretty safe to say that youve saved your internal organs and wallet from that burden. water is free, next time just drink that.
bullshit I have a heathens cheat day once a week and Im down 40 lbs in 2 months. easily ate 8000 cals last sunday. I fast for 2 days after and then its 1500 cals a day for the rest of the week. 14k cals for a whole week is low as fuck. its a 10k cal deficit from my weekly tdee.
life is short, if junk food and being full as shit makes you happy enough to get fat in the first place you dont have to deny yourself of it completely. being healthy is mostly about being mindful of your health enough to keep track of it and take care of it. also its not hard whatsoever to do that 48hr fast afterwards, im only barely hungry on hr like 45. making this shit hell on yourself does you no favors. you just gotta be responsible and not a full time p.o.s
also ive put on insane amounts of muscle in this short time. i think mostly because i was Zig Forums af like 4 years ago so its like gains coming back to me but i really think eating like a dirty bulking roided out trashcan once a week plays a little part in me making gains on barely any calories.
lately, i would drink once every 2 weeks, but lockdown down here in french leafland started again so i won't be boozing for a while.
i generally don't have cheat days but once a week maybe i'll have a snack. i enjoy clean eating, but i also like sweets and popcorn here nd there.
If cheat day is eating junk food, then almost never, only when I get together with friends and we order something.
If it's exceeding calories then once every other week, but I'll usually eat less calories to compensate the following days until I'm even.
And again I only drink in social occasions, like once a week or less, maybe I'll drink by myself if I haven't drank anything in like a month.
You should never have a "cheat day" where you just eat garbage with reckless abandon. That is an absursly bad idea.
You should never drink alcohol, either. Use a better drug and drink water. Alcohol is literally reverse steroids. If you arent limiting it to the complete minimum youre not gonna make any gains at all. Any level of regular consumption will fuck your gains. One drink every two/three months tops imo and you need to treat it like you caught an illness for the following week. Light as fuck training. Going to your gfs yoga class will ptobably kick your ass too hard.
I bet your gf has cheat days too you faggot
Is alcohol really that bad? I had no idea.
Once a week; typically Sunday. The key is to train at the gym, then have cheat day to not overload on calories. I haven't drank alcohol in over 2 years. Beer fucks with a Man's estrogen - which is why you see 40+ year old cucks with potbellies.
My cheat day is always a large pizza and a few milk shakes. Probably around 2500 calories.
>cheat day
Once a week either sat/sunday
Ime there is a rhythm to peaks in your training. You know how sometimes you go in the gym and youre just suddenly piss weak compared to last time and it kinda damages your ego for the day?
Thats almost definitely: low REM sleep, low liver/muscle glycogen, general dehydration, or low electrolytes.
Alcohol gives you all of these and it does take time for these bodily rhythms to synchronize perfectly. Your body functions best in homeostasis. Alcohol impedes all aspects of bodily development.
Im a pothead so I just feel obligated to say you should just smoke a fatty and eat a couple cheeseburgers and a soda after a really heavy arm sesh before the bar and order apple juice.
If you need a confidence boost for the bar you should just take a medium dose of viagra and pump the shit out of your chest/delts/triceps and do some resistance band curls before your shower so your bicep vein is juicy while your upper body remains "full."
I just budget for Friday's as my chest day, where I eat fuck all during the day but have pizza and beer for dinner, but don't go above maintenance
Im typing this just so the board knows why this is bad...Nothing against you personally user I'm sure you'll see *some* progress.
If you want to make gains natty, you must train very hard. Training as hard as it takes, will eventually injure you. Why the fuck are you risking your physical wellbeing in the gym to gain mass, and then hobble on over to a bar and piss every gram of carbohydrates out of your body and store an overwhelming abundance of fat due to decreased muscle protein synthesis while your body converts the little protein your pizza contains into sugar. Later that night when you sleep your body will be dehydrated, mineral deprived, and focused on hepatic recovery. Your muscles will atrophy as your recoverable volume has been devestated. You'll have more carb cravings the next day. You'll store more of them as fat. You'll have to drink assloads of water. You'll need to catch up on some sleep no matter how much you drink. Your next training session will be impaired and potentially similarly degenerative.
Just consider it bros. I train hard as shit, and I don't spend an extra three hours outside of my normal training rehabilitating my rotator cuff so I can make less gains than I'm capable of.
>I’m a pothead
Opinion discarded, gutter trash
The bourgeoisie must post body
I don't
Family events
I have a pizza most Friday evenings, beer after rugby 2-3 days a week
Not him, but I kinda want you to post body more
He looks like a twink
Not surprised one bit. I just wonder why he tripfags. Like with sanchez or tiny or even that one powerlifting faggot, they atleast would be known as decently strong or good looking when trip fagging
I am having one today after realizing I haven't had one in a month more extreme than cheesecubes. Pizza time :)
I’m pretty sure pic related is the same faggot lmao