Pic related for me.
Share your worst tilt fuel for lifting
they show you what they want you to think
don't believe this shit user
$1000 says she has a black boyfriend
She says they have sex and everything. It's infuriating user. It should have been me, an able bodied male, cooming in her. Not that little annoying runt.
Look, you can be upset over your lack of a personality and game or you can just accept it and move on with your life. I have felt way better about myself after I realized I just don't have an attractive personality and zero game.
it's not infuriating dude, she just has other preferences apparently, 99% of girls wouldn't want to date him and would rather date you if you didn't have such a weak mindset
Even if trolling, being in an anonymous website writing comments full of envy may be a symptom of why you cannot get anyone.
This is strictly a financial arrangement. It's not even the first actress this crippled fraud has enlisted for his little puppet show.
I'm not mad.
accepting your shortcomings and just getting to terms with them...
absolutely pathetic, i used to be an autistic retard, but I wanted to change and now I'm as close to being a reallife chad than I've ever been in my life
what the fuck is tilt fuel
Stuff that makes you mad.
>It's infuriating
You're beyond pathetic.
to back up what I said
look at pic related, she fucking revels in the attention, if she REALLY wanted it she wouldn't have turned herself into a cooperation and stopped posting about it
think about it, WHO would post hate comments
if she really didn't care she wouldn't even think about it, but she cares, she likes it
Son of a bitch got 3 qt gfs so far.
they are playing with thier food is how Patrice o'neal would put it
I lift because it's fun, I don't need rage motivation like an autistic nigger. I have a wife and children.
You're literally less successful with women than a literal retard cripple, and you think it's because women are trash.
Women are trash, but so are you.
Eat shit faggot.
Fuck this guy
>She doesn't love him
>How do you know?
>Look at all these seething virgins
Why does this tilt you? It makes me really happy that not literally everyone is shallow.
it makes people seethe
and she likes it
this is why it's not you, faggot.
>close to being a real chad
You literally spend your time hating on some deformed runt because he gets pussy and you dont. If you were close to chad you'd be getting pussy bud
i never hated on the guy are you kidding
tell me right now where in my post did I hate on anyone?
the guy probably is fun to be around who knows
user are you projecting?
Definitely not you.
Maybe they actually love each other you incel chud
when will you incels realize that personality is all that matters?
ultimate chad
I read his book, he's trapped in a fucked body, but still living his best life, you jellies could use the motivation.
I'm sure she enjoys making people seethe, but that does not mean she married that guy ONLY to make people seethe. Like, I enjoy making people seethe over my wife and me being of different races, but that's not the REASON I married her, that's just an enjoyable little bonus.
Why does it tilt you and why do you need to be angry to lift?
I just go out of habit and because I like the feeling of physical exertion.
You fail to realize that this kind of thinking is exactly what will keep you from having any meaningful relationship. The only way you will have sex is with other shallow cunts.
So many low t faggots on /fit
agree but you think like a man, women work on a different wavelength they can tell themselves stuff and believe it but will never really know the reason why they do things
He has a point
She probably hase some mental illnes where she thinks she is some kind of saint when people point out the truth to her
This thread is so sad. You should be cheering for this massively disadvantaged guy. I don't think there is much hope left for you guys.
Yeah but they're not a different species. Marrige is a pretty big deal, and maybe the making people seethe part is important to her, but claiming it's litterally the one thing motivating her to marry a person and spend all day with him, fuck him, care for him... that's just silly. He makes her feel needed and important, and probably has a big cock. There's your explanation.
he way over played his hand. I might've believed they were in a real relationship, if he stopped at one, but he's clearly paying these women. more power to him I guess
Absolute chad addonis
They still say yes so even that makes him a chad