Current Body Thread CBT - We're All Gonna Make It edition

186cm, 89kg

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mirin, how many steroid cycles have you done to get to current body, or how long have you been crusing

Tell me all about it stud, from your humble beginning to mount olympus, I wanna hear it all. STACK, FOOD, LIFTING REGIME, SEXUAL ORIENTATION.

Give it to me straight. What should an aspiring demi god such as myself do to aqquire such a jaw dropping, mesmerizing greek sculpture of a physique?

Lol thanks guys, lifting 10 years natty, diets on point, do plenty of cardio.

How much cardio we talking about

175cm (5'9) 76kg (166 lbs)
Bf% estimate? I'd say about 18% right now
What do I need to work on?

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Ive never seen a natty lifter with that kind of "development" in that "area" meaning the delts/upper chest/traps.


You post your current body at least 2-3 times a week, which tells me you're insecure and looking for attention.

Conclusion: You're a fake-natty

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He isn't natty. What does cardio and diet have to do with it?

No natty lifters ever get traps/upperchest/delts like that, no matter if they lift with 1000 years, you're limited in those 3 muscles for growth, which is why only roiders have developed traps/upper-chest and alts.

No amount of lifting, dieting, or cardio, will ever get you muscular delts/upperchests/traps as a natty, simple.

+ this dude posts CBT threads with his body multiple times a week, which means he is looking for compliments and attention, that means hes insecure, which means hes on steroids

Jesus christ that pic is god awful my bad

I hike every day.
Thanks mate, stay mad.

While I doubt OP is natty, your whole speech reeks of incel DYEL

let's see some more pics

>hikes everyday

So hiking is your secret to steroid-tier traps/delts and upper chest?

Ah, so you must be a super-freak genetic elite then, because daily hikes makes natty lifters DYEL mode, not FULL and MUSCULAR.

"Genetic freak" aka steroids lmao

you look beautiful user no sweat

We get it, you dont look crazy roided freaky IFBB pro tier, but you're definitely 100% not natural. No natural on earth has upper body muscle that look like that, especially when at a low body-fat. You may be able to convince DYEL newfags, but not me :)

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5'3 130 nothing new

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These threads are bot threads. Look at the file names, and make sure to remember the pics. Theyre reposted over and over and over.

Its like 1 guy who posts a bunch of CBTs, just so he can make his own thread for the attention of his own CBT.

Cringing pretty hard for you OP, and cringing pretty hard at how Im on here so much to even figure this bot/CBT fraud out.


Correct. Every thread on Zig Forums that is asking for irl pics is flooded with fake pics from previous threads. Some suckers fall for it and post their real pics and those are then used in all the future threads. I think there is someone farming data behind this

Yeah ive noticed the same thing, for what purpose though?


From about a month ago. I feel so weak rn bros. I'm getting max 5 hours of sleep and have dropped 15lbs. My 1RMs are dropping like a stone. I feel my discipline slipping every day

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I've posted the same pic of myself in like 6 CBT threads because I'm too lazy to take new pictures every time lmao take your meds schizo

So much cope, lads. Im angle frauding it up.
Also, post bodies.

That's what i want to know too
I was a sucker that fell for it and posted my pic. I have seen it posted around 8 times now. This is not some conspiracy theory, it's real

Prove it, archive link of your same pic being reposted repeatedly.

Taking test doesn't make you natty frauder

Do you think i have the time to prove this stuff to some random faggot? Post your pic and you will see it reposted sooner or later if you dont believe me

Looking good, mate.

Attached: 24 (Dec 2019).jpg (1536x2048, 1.26M)

Checked & keked. DYELs seething

80kg 180cm
What do lads think, should I cut or bulk?
Should I do a slow cut down to 75kg or should I do a slow bulk up to 85kg before?

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As I said already, I've reposted the same pic of myself several times due to laziness. I've never seen anyone repost it. You're delusional. Seek help.