/plg/ pajeet lifting general

>sumo mixed grip hack squat edition
The Powerlifting General, the strongest general on Zig Forums. Committed to guiding your powerlifting journey. For the discussion, development, and advancement of powerlifting.
>The official pastebin (includes books and videos on various things like recovery, stretching, programs, band usage, etc)

>Conjugate Pastebin (videos to learn about and develop your own Conjugate program with)

>Trips PRs Pastebin
pastebin.com/2VTGQFN3 (Original PR Pastebin)

>How to incline bench

>How to barbell curl

>How to hack squat

Attached: hacklift.png (770x452, 493.27K)

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first for weightlifting

Attached: ehab training.webm (960x540, 2.85M)

What's /plg/'s opinion on Brian Alshure? Dude definitely puts up great numbers but when I watch the stuff he recommends it makes a lot of sense but also seems like the opposite of what you normally see for powerlifting routines.

Or is this dude just a genetic/conditioned freak and that's how he can manage this?

Alshure is a strongman not a powerlifter that's why his routines are weird.

THREADLY REMINDER that mixed grip sumo hack squat is the best gauge of RAW PHYSICAL STRENGTH. You only downplay this because you're a pudgy, weak little shit of a manlet with an equally embarrassing mixed grip sumo hack squat.

Nobody gives a shit that you can push a bar off your morbidly obese tits for your little bullshit snatch grip "bench." Nobody cares about your squat rack standing incline double layback "the Press™."

Mixed. Grip. Sumo. Hack. Squat. Is. King.

Attached: images (1).jpg (269x187, 13.15K)

But if it translates into strength for the big 3 + the press, wouldn't it still be decent enough to follow?

what kind of stuff does he recommend that's counterintuitive to powerlifting?

>mixed grip

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god i can only aspire to be half as fast and aggressive as ehab.
There isn't a single second where he isn't focused on medalling gold.

If you get stronger on it then the routine is fine, yes.
I've never looked at his programs myself, I've mostly used him as a resource for alternative lifts for different muscles, but I do know he mentions things like "giant sets" and also trains axle pressing or deadlifting and other strongman variations I believe. He also uses various specialty bars. I think it's fairly similar to Conjugate, especially since he seems to hang around Dave Tate.

Wait, are hack squats legal are powerlifting meets?

It wasn't as powerlifty as pullups, but I went for a nice cardio hike today. +1200ft in 1.2mi. Passed by none.

A twink threatened to pass me about 2/3 of the way up, right before the final climb. But he was unprepared for my SQUAT LEGS and WISE BOOMER PACE. I beat him to the top by at least a minute.

Now hot tubbin. Soreness BEGONE!

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No. OP is a memeing shit head showing off indian strength competitions.

Wait is this real? How did you get it to do that?

I think Egypt might be banned for Tokyo, whenever that will be. I heard rumours he wanted to compete unaffiliated but that could be false.

Has conjugate just become a catchall for anything approaching non-specificity? Or does it genuinely resemble conjugate?

Nice blog (unironically)

One of the big things I've seen is he'll do heavy Farmer's Carries/Yolk Walks at the start of workouts for conditioning which he claims doesn't affect his lifts. A lot of super sets while doing his working sets also seems odd.

This is from his latest training video. I'd lean towards more strongman-like training than Conjugate. Although, I'm not entirely sure how he sets it up since he divides it in pic related as "OHP day" "Squat day" etc. It looks like a U/L split to me.

Attached: brianalshrue.png (560x393, 37.52K)

Isn't this the dude that puts multiple barbells into meme positions on his body?

They might be in a non-IPF fed? Or that might just be limited to reverse grip bench, not sure.

I don't believe it's conjugate, given giant sets would be somewhat counterproductive for that

OK, that would definitely be shitty for focusing on the big 3. I guess he's training under the context of strongman events being a full day of work whereas powerlifting is basically sitting on your ass for 5 hours between short bursts of exertion. Still though, if you work under the assumption that getting stronger has more carryover than being highly specific, it might be OK.

yeah that's what it seems like to me too. For a minute I thought the timestamps on the left were his hourly breakdown and he was doing 14 hour workouts lmao

yep, that's Ehab. It's just messing around though, like Retard's pulley deadlifts.

Thanks sincerely.

Our Lord and Coach Jim Wendler recommends two mile walks four days a week, ideally with a weight vest.

It's all part of the big 3 game.

>given giant sets would be somewhat counterproductive for that
I've seen Westside's instagram advertise giant sets before, they're usually for GPP workouts at home though. They do have articles (not by Louie) that also talk about them.

Although one of his programs is conjugate based, it seems. liftvault.com/programs/powerlifting/brian-alsruhe-programs-dark-horse-4-horses-spreadsheets/

But they're not the main focus of ME or DE. Meanwhile, to the best of my knowledge, Alsruhe does giant sets pretty much every session.

axel thumbs around or nah

He has a hardon for conditioning that would leave most people shutting out their spleen. If you want to train like him I’d suggest taking a very liberal approach to his prescribed rest times, at least initially.

Hell nah, unless you’ve got some Mike Burke monster mitts. Suicide grip for (short) life.

>You haven't made it if you can still get your clothes at regular stores
Please snatch >120kg before shilling weightlifting
>Dude definitely puts up great numbers
I saw 600x3 on IG. Hes a bodyweight lookism strongman. Its cool training and good luck to him, but I dont get much from his content because he doesn't embrace the Bloat in the Bloatiest of sports besides sumo
axel OHP is easier than barbell if done from the rack. its not much different than a powerbar for deadlifts if your using straps.
this is strongman training. WSB does some things that resemble strongman movements for GPP, but its still done in a specific way to help powerlifting. see Louie-kami-sama's sled drag method

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well I couldn't DOH 3pl8 thumbless but could do with thumbs so we have our answer

But then you pressed it thumbless, right?

I always press thumbless

>I always pressed thumbless
Ftfy god rest your soul

except bench