>Go to bar with buddies
>Gril who thinks she's super hot is with us
>Homie talks about how he heard she caught herpies
>Everyone laughs
>The rest of the night is great
Are things changing bros?
Go to bar with buddies
Don't you know that STDs are a serious issue?.
Why is this board so full of incels? Eugh.
i'd hate to see such a great fitness thread get pushed off this board with less than 150 replies
Wait which is it, I thought roasties say herpes is no big deal. According to le reddituers almost everyone has herpes so you should never shame anyone for their std. This is of course omitting the distinction between type 1 and 2
>Don't you know that STDs are a serious issue
Depends on your level of degeneracy.
based. the world would be a better place if everyone just operated like that all the time
>be doing you
>everyone's chill
>say/do something clearly just to get attention
>everyone ignores you and acts like you're an idiot; chill ruined
>feel the crushing weight of peer disapproval
>go back to doing you
>herpies is dangerous
why are mutts such pussies?
Gtfo off my board THOT
Fucking newfags when will they learn
Happy to hear you had a good time
please be troll trolling troll
>caught herpes
>forget that I have it
>smoking sticks with friends
>"uh guys , I need to tell you something"
Again, begone newfag. This board doth not belong to normalfags.
>Are things changing bros?
I think so.
I think we're entering the post-slut cultural period.
Remember in the mid 2000s when paris hilton etc were the feminine ideal? Sluts and pornstars were celebrated.
Well i think we're experiencing a cultural shift. Im thinking society actually ODed on porn to such an extent that being overly sexual IRL is no longer desireable.
Strip clubs are gling out of business. Hooters and places like it are fucking memes and nothing more. I think we've been so sexually oversaturated that slut shaming is making a comeback
Anecdotal but the number of posts on /gif/ is way down from years ago. Actually that's not anecdotal whatever. Maybe we are turning a corner and starting to slowly reject degeneracy.
>aids is god's punishment for homosexuality
>herpes is god's punishment for blacks and coal burners
>gay niggers get hit twice as hard
based god
Give me the damn microphone.
Listen up.
I'm sick and tired of all you entitled ass Off-Topic pieces of trash running your damn mouths.
Every single day, I see 'em!
BBC posters!
R9K defeatists!
Lookism baiters!
Feelsposting carcasses!
Vegan and Carnivore posters!
And worst of all, Zig Forumsfags!
So I tell you what I'm'on do, you sum'bitches!
I'm gonna take my mouse,
I'm gonna click on the post number,
I'm gonna click on the reply box,
And I'm gonna type in the reply box!
I said I'm gonna type in the god damn reply box!
I'm gonna call you a nigger!
A pavement ape!
A porch monkey!
A no good son-of-a-sheboon!
An auto-zone-burning, store-looting, low-life piece of subhuman trash!
I'm gonna cuss out the jannies!
I'm gonna make them do their damn jobs!
And then I'm gonna solve the captcha,
The one with the fire hydrants,
The one with the traffic lights,
The one with the bicycles,
The one with the cars,
The one with the buses,
The one with the CROSSWALKS!
I'm gonna click Post!
I said I'm gonna click Post!
I'm gonna make everyone sage the thread!
I'm gonna report the thread for Off-Topic Trash!
I'm gonna hide the thread!
And then I'm gonna do it again the moment I see one,
A lot, maybe even most, people have oral herpes, but I'm pretty sure not that many have genital herpes.
You are wrong
Its important, necessary id say, to differentiate between "cold sores" which just about everyone gets once in a while and i mean a while like years and years apart, and the ever-present sometimes flaring sometimes sleepy oral herpes.
I had a cold sore once when i was like 9.
One of my professors in uni had oral herpes and she had good days and bad but it was always "there"
To clarify there is no evidence to suggest that e-thottery or men who cumsume is getting weaker, Vtubers are now on the rise as incels turn to men pretanding to be women, more men are chemically castrating themselves with HRT to get thirsty coomers, Twitch is only going to get bigger, despite all the "Based" videos on sinperwolf these whore only end up with more money and attention and none of this is even touching tik-tok or whatever kids use. Basically it's only going to worse replicating VR, Melody and Vtubers gets easier.
Reading matters.
Notice the IRL in that post. It's important.
Everyone is porning it up. Therefore the demand for IRL sluttery is at an all time low.
Oh you are still wrong then and I don't know rock you live under, but here in the UK one night at town will prove whoredom is still alive as ever.
Literally the opposite
The presence of whores does not negate a net decrease in the overall whore population
>1 in 2 people have oral herpes.
>1 in 6 have genital herpes.
Only the second is dangerous, because it weakens your immune system, ages you prematurely, makes your more predisposed to HIV and hep C
Cold sores are fucking herpes, most likely HSV1 but can sometimes be from HSV2. There is no "oh I don't have herpes, just regular cold sores".
What many people don't realize is that roughly 60% of people with HSV1 never have any symptoms and most of the remaining only rarely. It's only a small percentage that will have to constantly battle with cold sore flare ups.
If you had cold sores when you were 9 it was probably the initial outbreak after you first caught it. Often times a single outbreak at the beginning is the only one a person will ever have if that.
Oh and if you've had sex with more than 5 partners your chance of having HSV1 is over 90%. You probably have it without even knowing it just like most of the population.
Laughed out loud
>dating girl for 5 years.
>at first reciprocal relationship, she bent over backwards for me.
>2 years in there's a shift in power
>starts treating me like shit, only fuck once a week.
>start simping for her,first girl I ever loved let her move in rent free, listen to her constant anxiety attacks, plan dates and dinners.
>sex becomes biweekly.
>starts talking about working on closeness not physicality, so I break up with her.
>stop talking to her for months end up leaving the state.
>contacts me on my birthday, when we aren't seeing anyone we should meet up and have romantic weekends. I want to visit you.
>disappears for a month.
>user I have genital herpes.
>haven't spoken in six months feel bretty gud.
In terms of closure it was exactly what I needed, nothing says you can never go home like a condemned sign on the front. Plus knowing I got her in her prime, and anyone in there after me, is getting discounted deli meat. She was a 10 and loved attention, but she was always disgusted with herpes, and knowing that she probably feels gross anytime a cute guy approaches her, well that appeals to a very vindictive side of me.
Hsv2 also is a symptomatic in 4 out of 5 people, and a lot of them engage in shedding even when they are not presenting symptoms. To the guy who had a cold sore at 9, his retroviral load is probably so low by now, he probably is rarely infectious
>have had sex with over 100 men
>no stds
Starting to think stds are a myth or I'm just really good at being racist