>literally forcing your body to burn extra calories by making new blood cells
why aren't you donating blood fit?
Literally forcing your body to burn extra calories by making new blood cells
Other urls found in this thread:
>giving blood away to welfare cases
If they need it so bad they can get a job and buy their own
im diabetic and it would make me paranoid as fuck at work
if I gave blood once every 2 weeks to get SUPER drunk would there be long term consequences?
How many calories are we talking about?
>increasing your chance of getting aids millionfold just so some evolutionary dead ends can live longer than they should
no thanks
>giving your blood to gang bangers
>letting undertrained niggers infect you with used syringes
According to the University of California, San Diego, your body does burn roughly 650 calories during the replenishment process after donating bloo
>used syringes
maybe in muttmerica
Because I take FInasteride
got an appointment next week, getting paid £50 for it which is nice but I would have donated at least once regardless of compensation
wicked unintended consequences
What do you mean? Can you elaborate? I go once every 2 months.
I have noticed that the people I see there are the same type of middle class white people you see at blm rallies- they're so obsessed with being "good" and having people recognize them for that, they go totally rabid and lose themselves as they realize that the image of themselves which they torture themselves with is impossible
It can take up to 4 months for your RBC count to come back up to normal
If you keep stimulating your cells to divide, some of them will make mistakes replicating their DNA. Some of those mistakes can lead to cancer
I'm HIV+ because of sharing the roid needle.
>donating blood
a large portion of it will just be thrown away ad the rest they will sell to the hospitals. Don't do that shit unless you get paid.
This guy is 100% a mouth breathing glue eater. Your red blood cells only live for like 3-4 months before they break down, your body is perpetually making new ones. As you've clumsily put it, your red blood cells are "being stimulated to divide" but almost all of the different types of cells in your body are constantly "dividing" and producing new cells as the old ones wear out and purposefully die. Donating blood does not cause cancer, donating blood is a good thing and can be safely done once every 2 months. This is high school level biology but if you really need a "verified source" I majored in Cell Biology in undergrad.
Based retard
>almost all of the different types of cells in your body are constantly diving
not true desu, only the ones exposed to harsh environments are i.e epithelial cells
Say some more smart stuff, I’m on the fence with cancer guy.
The only cells not dividing is your nerve cells. Even the supporting cells for nerves are being replenished continuously.
Even something as “inert” as bones are constantly being remodeled and rebuilt.
t. MD
Because it goes to idiots that I would rather see removed from the gene pool.
Yes, obviously.
Probably, yes. Long term your liver is taking an extra hits, kidneys too.
Short term you could get alcohol poisoning since once you get a good buzz you may try drinking at a normal rate
Blood is meant to be drunk
t. God
>thrown away
((They)) use it
Don't you mean "not meant"?
QRD on /fraud/ and donating blood?
Imagine if the entire world was so pathologically altruistic like that
You're right on the cancer claim ( pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
I donate anytime I get a chance which is every 3 months so I keep from having too high hematocrit, it's goes to the hospitals all around the country so it's a good cause too
>roid to get huge
>lose all your gains to literal aids