Weak entire life

anyone else been weak entire life?
>could barely do 1 pushup
>could only bench the barbell with bad form
>can only bench 70kg
i keep training following a routine but i just cannot increase my lifts at all

Attached: ssadry sadry14124.jpg (292x292, 24.85K)

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post diet

>added 50kg to bench in 2 years
just keep going op, and eat more

Height and weight?

someone here calculated to it being around 800 calories, but it is probably a bit more due to plate sizes and portion differing between countries
my height is 184cm, i do not know my weight anymore, havent weighed myself due to no access to a weighing thing, but i remember something like 70kg, or when i bulked like a madman 75kg?

Attached: sadry 41241.jpg (500x411, 45.73K)

>800 calories
daily? op you should be dead, eat for fucks sake

>800 calories
Welp, found your problem
You need to eat more. Calculate your TDEE and eat an extra 500 calories and your lifts will go up. This calculator will even show you macros for cutting, maintenance, and bulking (you want to bulk right now).

you have nobody to blame but yourself (unless you come from a poor family)
you need at least 2k a day and at the minimum 90g of protein
fucking eat. even if you're poor buy some rice

it says i need 2200 calories per day and like 166g protein, how do i even eat that much in a single day?

I eat that much easy and I'm 190
buy mass gainer, start drinking milk
or just buy cheap fast food all day