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Fitness #578
Is my body crooked? The upper and lower looks unaligned
How to tell if someone is on PEDs?
Have your politics changed since you became fit? Pt. 2
Is this how a “Real Life” women looks like Zig Forums?
Curling the EZ bar
Sniff gf feet do 2 more sets
What exercise do I do to get this aesthetic?
Nofap has its new champion
24 years old, best part?
Advice on what to do?
Failed 190 bench again
Are you stoic-pilled?
Step aside cracker, there is a new contender in town
The image that saved Zig Forums
I can do TWENTY(20) full pushups
Will squatting with a belt stop me from getting core gains?
The image that destroyed Zig Forums
What's even gonna be in the new year's comic this year?
C:/calisthenics general
Brutal Zig Forums redpills
Help a fat user with nutrition
Have your politics changed since you became fit?
I believe I have the mogger gene (myostatin deficiency) AMA
Is pic related achievable natty?
Imagine still using a barbell lmao
/fat/ - Today Not Tomorrow Edition
This is what you're missing out on
What is the appropriate way to celebrate weight loss?
I got a flu shot and now my arm hurts and I can't work out
Ausfag general afg
Just Started TRT
Men squatting
Post Zig Forums recipes and meals ITT
What male archetypes or role models do you emulate? You are what you put into yourself repetition repetition
Zig Forums humor
Interesting High Protein Meals
Tomboy thread POST EM
That guy who lifts and has a really great body and is really strong but has fucked up teeth
Is it autistic to wear a baseball cap in the gym?
Bulk or cut?
Help...doctors are confused too
What's wrong with pic related? Why do people keep associating it with soibois...
Hey Zig Forums you guys seemed to like my last video...
Gym Mask Cut General
Rogue Machined Plates
Zig Forums's fetishes?
Creatine's taste is terrible, how am I supposed to chug this shit every fucking day? I tried with plain water...
So, what’s your excuse?
Come to Zig Forums to get big and strong
Zig Forums Approved super foods
Skin Care
Level up in the middle of a set
High test thread
Can woman lift too much?
FPH thread
How can I deal with bloating?
Sleeping with clothes or nah?
Are mushrooms good for your gains?
Height thread
True Motivation
Penile Enlargement - The Penile Ballooning Method
Is it possible to have a lasting relationship with someone who you have nothing in common with?
Why do women wear no shoes in the gym half the time? They get their gross, sweaty ass feet on everything...
How long do i fast to get from 60kg to 48kg? does me being a femoid got anything to do with it? i’m 5’3, 160cm
If you ohp less than 185 you don't get to take up the squat rack in order to do them; Clean the weight off the floor...
Have you ever thrown up while running? Happened for the first time today and ran additional 2 miles after...
Are Spartans from halo the absolute peak human form?
What are the best Zig Forums clothes?
Cant retract foreskin
/plg/ - Powerlifting General
Ultimate sun redpill
What is the point of going Zig Forums without using steroids?
Have we sinned?
How long does it take to go from untrained to 1/2/3/4 with strong lifts usually?
Cutting for 7 weeks
Hypothetically speaking...
Progress Thread
Do you have health insurance? How much do you pay for it?
Are fitness trackers like fitbits and oura rings worth it? Or are they just a meme
What kind of lifts do I have to do to make sure my daughter doesn’t end up like this
He thinks eating protein from a tub is the same as eating real meat
Over for mencels
Can you use fasting to escape skinny fat mode
Man, what even is the point of this? What is he thinking?
How do you cope with the fact that you are wasting your time with volume training? HIT is superior is every way...
What's your favorite bulking meal?
Never eat a grain for any reason
Who do you lift for?
Will poor people ever realize rice and beans exist ? Why are they so obsessed with fruit ?
My goal body
How do you deal with a lot of deep seated frustration?
Genetics thread
Post gym music to go heavy
Zig Forums thinks it can fight a cougar
So besides nofap and exercising what else can I do to fix these little motherfuckers
Hate this board. It's a degrading cesspool of narcissism and harrowing acidity...
How do you build maximum strength with minimum mass?
College gyms are on a different level of retardation. No spotting...
S O Y as a healthy non dairy protein source
I want to start doing steroids I'm 21yr old 6...
Guide of eternal youth
/bg/ - balding general
/FAST/ - There's No Crying in /Fast/
How much bodyfat is this?
Just found out my fit gf I met at the gym a while ago isn't a virgin. Is it cucked to stay with her...
/BBG/ - Bodybuilding General
Is she fat?
It is LITERALLY impossible to eat 200g of protein per day
/mag/ - Martial Arts General
Is one cigarette going to destroy my gains and age my face?
I want to fuck a fit women, how?
Whats the point?
Been a bit concerned
This shit is so fucking OP i just did 30 minutes of this now I feel like rock lee training for the chunin exams
Friendly reminder that those two people have almost the same deadlift 1RM
Goal Body Thread
/fraud/ Markus Rühl Edition
Do i cut fast or slow???
I'm 34 with a full head of hair but my dad is bald and both my grandfathers were bald. Am I gonna go bald?
Why would you ever use deadlifts for back hypertrophy?
Redpill me on stretching. is it really necessary? do you stretch before/after your workout? static/dynamic?
Looksmaxxing/Self Improvement
Working out ruined my love for weed
Do running shoes matter?
Itt fit approved tattoos
Are children the ultimate gains?
What s his workout routine?
Is it possible to get these gains without equipment?
Which population produces the strongest men, West Africans or Polynesians?
Tfw turning 28
/brit/anons, are we looking forward to tier 3?
Does she put lift you Zig Forums?
/run/ running general
Homegym equipment to have and avoid?
Know you cant save her
What would you do in this situation today as compared to when you were around 18 or 19?
What do YOU wear to the gym?
Come home
Based quotes thread
How Zig Forums -- minimum -- to I have to be to fuck tinder thots...
What excercises does a 33 year old who missed out on young love need to do in order to attract 18-22 year olds?
Fit LITERALLY on suicide watch
Basedboi virgin here, just got my first gf and she’s close to 1.5x my weight
How often a week do you work out?
How long did it take you until your six pack abs started showing?
Perfect goal body
How much can women thicken their thighs? Can any woman get freakish huge thighs?
Confession Thread
Gay = Having Best Lifting Buddy
How true is this shit
Can someone redpill me on rice?
Hispanic bros, how do I get a qt tanned girl to date me
Reminder that if a girl is over 120 lbs, she is fat...
Autistically researching the most cutting edge hypertrophy research and meticulously planning and executing training to...
Post weak people that you never want to be like
The Great Debate
Moral Fitness
Post body and the number of women you've slept with
FPH - Fat People Hate
I would like to thank whichever Zig Forums user recommended this book in a thread a couple of days ago...
Do you pray to any gods or speak a mantra before a lift?
No wonder americans are so fat holy fuck
/plg/ Powerlifting General
/fat/ - FFS Edition
Would your life REALLY be any better if you were 6'2"? Think about it
Reminder than a small chest is more aesthetic than big titties
Post brutal moggings
God damn it how much do I need to lift to look handsome?
One Primarch will be your Fitness Coach
I just made a consultation for gyno
Training the mailman
Lets talk protein
My friend shows me how to do lateral raises (the regular way like on picrel)
Mmmm yummy yummy sriracha so good!!! I can’t stop myself bro I put that stuff on everything so tasty!!!
I want to btfo looksmax obsessed incels...
Come on Zig Forums in 2017 to lose weight
1-2-3-4 plates in kilograms? Help the Europoor hit targets
So user, how's life been treating you so far?
My girlfriend and I were fucking while drunk and she thought another guy was fucking her. How do I recover from this?
What do you do it for
Post a better looking physique. Pro tip: you can't
Dips or bench?
Be me
Why karate is so fucking retarded and useless
What does ‘making it’ mean?
Post bicep thread
Perfect bodytype
Ausfag general
How do i survive noFAP? im on day one
Why the FUCK do they keep closing the gyms...
There's no way a girl can get this natty can they?
Do you mog your brother?
How much could you bench when you first went to the gym. how much can you bench now?
Why or for whom do you lift?
How do we stop this menace?
Zig Forums, I’ve made plans to fuck a 35 year powerlifting soccer mom
Why even lifting ?
6.1" wrists
Rotator cuff
Why can't I see my abs?
Lost covid gains
Should you still drink milk as an adult?
What's ur go to lift music?
Lanklets quest to Press gf
Post images that give you hope
I need help fit
No amount of lifting will save you from a Gorilla attack
What type of body does each one of them have?
/fat/ - The Gathering Edition
Incel to chad
He needs a rack to OHP and squat
Sardine General /SG/
Having huge muscles is not an advantage in real life...
Clean your room
Why the fuck are normies always sick? Almost all the normies at work or wherever that I know, always have alergies...
What is a good 3 days per week routine? I just wanna look like this one day
Is 32 too late to make it?
How long would it take to achieve this physique? With steroids obviously
Shin splints hahahaha
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
Zig Forums ideal thread
What videogames if any do you play Zig Forums?
I'm plateauing at 205 for my bench for reps. I used to be able to do 225 4x5 pre 'rona. How do I get past this...
How do we fix the lookism/Incel problem?
Mother sues gym after 98kg weight fell on her son's throat and crushed him to death during work out
It's OHP day!
Motivation Thread
Dealing with a SO gains goblin
3pl8 diddy
New /CBT/
Medieval knight
Should manlets be forcibly banned from working out for their own good? it seems cruel to allow this to happen
How do you get a gym buddy (gender irrelevant)...
Workout Music
Is it fair to say that the average gay guy is fitter than the average straight guy?
Bald Pill
Goal body
Why a most fitness YouTubers so fucking shit? I could do this with nearly any top fitness YouTuber
Been a while since I seen a Wheyfu Thread. You guys know the drill, real or fictional is fine
How do i come out as gay to my family?
What is a good abs exercise with a barbell? I also got a ab wheel but i usually stumble the second rep
Name my crew Zig Forums!
Pull ups
How to make cum taste good?
Is there anything wrong with lifting for 2D women?
Jumping Rope for Cardio
Why did cavemen have perfect teeth and better faces and how do I emulate whatever the fuck they were doing?
Ausfag General /AFG/
Rate my home gym setup
Mewing/orthotropics/lookism thread
How does this guy have this as his GF?
Is staying healthy and fit that much of a difficult task?
/fraud/ general
I can't stand this phenotype. Would getting Zig Forums save them or are they just a lost cause?
Crystal cafe
Any follow up for this?
What percentage of your workouts are leg days?
I just can't grow. No matter what I do :'( 6'1 lanklet with 6'4 wingspan
Can someone explain me why women are so fucking lazy at the gym and prefer to fuck around with their phone instead of...
My wife has officially refused to quit her career for good after we’ve had kids...
Can you really call yourself a man if you've never had sex?
Sardine General /SG/
Do nofap. monkey brain takes over after day 7-9. end up relapsing and binging
Serena Abweh
Who would win in a fight?
Should i give up
Why did bench press overtake overhead press and its variants as the test of strength? it seems like a giant meme to me...
Lads..... Am fuming
What is Zig Forumss opinion on vegan gainz?
Why do you never see soldiers with power lifter mode bodies...
My gf has low libido what can I do to fix her? Serious thread
Natty Deer Thread
What do you think of this body?
Can we make a rule that not posting body is reason enough for a ban...
Do I have klinefelters or just low t?
How do i work out my personality during the pandemic?
Zig Forums comic - Zyzz edition
Are all these girls fat to you?
Tfw no Gains Kitty
What workouts can I recommend to my 14 year old brother?
Liquid gains goblin
Are these worth it?
Do girls ever inappropriately touch you Zig Forums?
Manlet Saga
WTF is this shit? Do your veins pop if you lift too heavy? Is it genetic...
Tfw the workout is over
Is it possible for a genetic male to have this kind of body
The fall of western society
Decided to try nut sunning to get some more T
My covid story
Date with oneitis
Ready for the gyms to be closed again from tomorrow night lads?
There are "men" on this board who are under 6'0 feet tall
Pushups thread
What lifts should I do to get a maxilla like this?
How tf fo I bench above 2 plates?
I have gyno and i'm depressed af
Question about tea
Why did my girl say she prefers dad bods?
/bbg/ - Bodybuilding General
What mode is this? And how do I become it
Anyone else starting to do two times a week full body...
/FAST/ You Chose To Be Fat (But We Have Your REMEDY)
So it hapened brehs, my brain cucked me
Lifting for women
175cm, 50kg, 21 y/o
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Is this within the natty limit?
/fat/ - "only 18 calories per teaspoon" edition
Anyone else pissed off about being circumcised? Why is it even legal? What the fuck...
Good evening Zig Forumsizens. I'll make it short: I'm going to Antarctica for a whole year...
Seriously why do Indians have such strange bodies...
Just a quick reminder
Is a plant-based diet or an animal-based diet better for fitness and health?
What percentage of this board do you figure can do 1/2/3/4? Fuck ten at the most
Why don't you do a striking martial art...
My crush finally decided to give me a chance
Is it normal to feel squats mostly in the hamstrings...
Why do you lift for women user?
Roommate wants to join the same gym as me
Change my opinion: healthy food is too expensive
What motivates you to get fit?
Premature Ejaculation
How many scoops do you eat in a typical day
What's this template called? i find it great for motivation
Well Zig Forums?????
Cycling is the best thing ever
Cutting a lot of weight
So there's this cute receptionist. Every time i go to the gym and meet her, she always smiles...
I lift for my wife Yui
Zig Forums cosplay
Sleep naked for the first time
Rate my 15kg natty bulk Zig Forums
Hello guys, I have a little problem...
This is why I lift. Why do you lift?
She has a point
Virgin 24
What is the appeal of powerlifting? You want to be strong but you’ll get a DYEL body in the proces...
Say i'm 5'9" on tinder
He doesn't rest 3+ min between sets
Gyno causing depression
How do i increase testosterone?
I mog this entire fucking board you weak ass LARPERS dont event lift
Is the wim hof method legit? How do you even do it? I'm confused
Biology major BTFOs Zig Forums once and for all. What do you science denying neanderthals have to say for yourselves?
*Tink*Tink* Breast Milk
People who don't lift are pieces of shit/garbage
This girl got so fat it's not even funny anymore
Guy at gym who every time I see him he reacts super visibly to me even though I’ve done nothing
Your life will never be as good as this guys
What's Zig Forums opinion on BCAAs?
How to cure autism
Hump pillow in the prone position and coom multiple times a day for ten years
Been lifting for a month
Hair fitness
Zig Forums‘s goals
Face/eyes in the back
/fph/ thread - vice edition
How much do you sleep? For me its 10 hours
Is there actually a way to get rid of cellulite? Why don't guys get them as much as girls?
City wont let me open a mens only gym
Gayest shit in your playlist
Does Zig Forums meal prep?
You ok there bro?
Saturday Night
What is your fav Zig Forums book of all time?
Why am i upset my fat unattractive gf left me
What do you think?
Why is the modern day human like this?
Eat my than anyone I know
Zig Forums feels bar
How do people eat more than 2000 calories?
What does Zig Forums think of martial arts? What do you practice? What’s your opinion of different arts...
Ohp 170-175
Is lifting meaningless after all ?
Getting Zig Forums works good for normies, but what about trucels?
Why are so many fitness clothing companies pushing fat models onto us?
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Stay positive to defeat the defeatists
Weed for muscle recovery before bed
Lifting for girls isn’t wor-
How come american indians are one of the worst gym customers but indians from india are actually pretty good
/CBT/ - Current body thread
Sniffing girls durin BJJ
Who do you lift for?
Reminder that sleeping is as much important as working out
Overhead Press
/ANTI - PUFA / SEED OILS / general
Vegans can't gain musc-
Is chris watts, dare i say it, /our guy/?
ITT we post why we lift
Can you be fat and healthy?
He doesn't even curl lmao 2pl8 for reps
Almost got in a fight at the gym
Why do people say not to go knees over toes during a squat?
Zig Forums fashion thread
For what type of girls are you getting Zig Forums for?
No gf
Home gym thread
Anger motivation
Tattoos, tats, ink..Whatever
Be me
When were you at your most twinkish Zig Forums? Progress pics would be appreciated
Who is the least Zig Forums person in the world?
You have an eating disorder
Literally all I do is train, study and go on Zig Forums
Qtddtot - other one is 300+ edition
Questions that don’t deserve their own thread
What should you look like after 3 years of natural lifting?
Chicken and rice
Why is it not socially acceptable for a man to be an introvert...
Rice is pure carbs and provides little to no vitamins
What are the most physical demanding jobs?
Can going to the gym genuinely make you more masculine outside of having a bigger body?
/running/ thread
What do you guys think about a girl who's 5'8? Is that too tall?
It's been a week since I started going back to the gym after a long break and before that I was losing weight with...
Do you have the ideal penis size?
How to get a twink body?
/bbg/ - Bodybuilding General
Where are you, user?
Why do thots wear this in the gym?. Yesterday I was minding my own business, barbell curling and shiet...
Calmly gives you the gains you were looking for
Have you had your daily five?
Ontario Goyim
Who is your favourite Zig Forums youtuber and why is it Jeff Nippard?
What is the ideal weight for a man who is 6'(183-185cm)?
What's the most dangerous lift?
Walking properly
What do you think of this body?
I have been lifting for 8 years and I have all of these symptoms
Why is it the hands down absolute hugest guys in my gym never touch the barbell at all...
We should have a secret code so we can recognize each other on the street Zig Forums
25% of men go bald in their early/mid 20s
Pregnancy health
Healthy Fast Food
Fat Free Diet
Tfw can only OHP 44kg for 5 reps
Why the fuck did my weight loss stop?
Should i give HGH to my son?
Why are all Africans so fit?
Is this a fit butt?
The bar is now open again
Is crossfit as bad as people say?
If you haven't made it by the time you turn 26 you might as well just give up
What is Zig Forumss opinion on crossfit?
All this guy does is high rep calisthenics
Ausfag General /AFG/
Is it bad to get 200g+ of protein a day from bread?
/fat/ - chad edition
Be 22
Anyone here shave their balls?
How do you trim your armpit hair?
Oh, you suggest other forms of weight loss other than CICO? Heh.. *readjusts glasses by the middle frame* Well...
Whats the 1/2/3/4 pl8 of biceps?
The bar is open
Eric Bugenhagen sucks!
How many buff/ripped men would it take to kill a Space Marine?
I lift for mommy/auntie
I'm an anatomy teacher
Stop lifting, white boy
95% of this board is fags in denial
Reminder this is what women want
Does fat shaming work?
How do I get rid of this shit
/fraud/ - steroids general
What's his routine?
Do you ever wonder what you could do to untrained normies?
Some can be more intelligent than others in a structured environment—in fact school has a selection bias as it favors...
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Underused movements
Zig Forums meals
Is coffee good for you?
Not sure if this is the right board
Taking lifting advice from this
Is the Bloatlord even healthy?
Do you ever approach the qts at your gym? What are your tactics?
Lifetime beta incel
Are steroids worth it? sam hyde basically went through a second puberty on gear...
How do I attain this physique?
/kryptonite/ post your vices
Be leafbro
Someone fucked a Chicken Breast
What are your hobbies besides lifting heavy objects and getting gains?
Are concerns about mercury in seafood overstated or something to adhere to?
PT at my local gym is super attractive and qt
Post you're ideal body
Tell me about your lifting motivation
Did pewdiepie make it bros?
What do you lift for?
1 year transformation
Dubs and ill show my 23andme results
Alexander the Great was 25 years old when he conquered the entirety of the known, civilized world
Why do you lift, user? Pic related is my reason
/run/ running general
Where is Zig Forums from ?
Eating enough calories and protein is the hardest thing about lifting, actually harder than going to the gym
Anyone else hate cyclists? Why are they such arrogant assholes?
This body /10 ?
How do I combine swimming with lifting? Don't want to overtrain
He can beat 99,9% of all the men in the world
Why yes I do follow a 6 day PPL split, how could you tell?
Redpill me
How do you deal with sleep paralysis? I'm now afraid to go to sleep because I get this shit almost every night
Noooo nooo nooo Doug please
I signed up for a marathon to impress some chick. It's in like 2 months. I am at 1/2/3/4 so I am very fit...
4 months progress?
SS + GOMAD thread
Are women good for you?
Stuff you do that goes against the "gym bro" stereotype
/cbt/ - r8 & include stats
This is the #1 seller on Amazon in the US for moisturizers. Is it any good?
Be me
Gym tranny leaves blood and pus everywhere and stinks up the whole place
Do trad women like fit guys?
Steele plates
Being sub-200lbs and being "proud" of your max-reps pushups/pullups
Hello Zig Forums...
/fph/ thread - all bulk and no cut edition
What mode is this?
Zig Forums literally saved my life
The bar is open
Porn before lifting
Is calisthenics better for someone who is going for aesthetics?
Should I tell my gf to slow down?
Can lifting save this guy?
Guy at the gym lifts way less than I do but is twice my size
What’s the most Aesthetic haircut for guys with naturally Curly/Wavy hair?
Deadlift = redditor lift (srs)
Is 6'2-6'3 the ideal height for a Zig Forums body?
Something bothers me here
I started taking Zinc 50mg, Magnesium 200, Vitamin D 4000 IU and Vitamin C 250
What mode is this??
Pushup Thread
I work for the Government. They are going to close gyms next Month
Was she better before or after?
Man I love weed
/FAST/ - #1247 - The Recipe Included Edition
How do I save my son from being an incel?
What girls have you been attracting ever since you got fit?
What mode is this and how do I achieve it?
What mode is this?
How to cure premature ejaculation in 2 days?
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Zig Forums music
Exactly how much of a life-changer is it going from obese to healthy weight?
Meditation is practiced for centuries
At the butchers shop how do I tell if the meat is good quality?
The image that saved Zig Forums
Is it bad that i wish twinks would get euthanized...
ITT we will make retards lose their nofap progress
Minoxidil beard
How do you get a gf bros?
If you woke up in my body what would you do to get fit?
"The study revealed that after consuming LSD microdoses...
Best height for lifting?
Thoughts on my cheat day?
What do you think of this body?
Steals your gains
/mag/ - Martial arts general
Pistol squats
Will I go to hell if I fuck girls off Tinder...
Why bother
Ausfag General /AFG/
This is your spotter, say something nice
Yes I cant see a single thing in this photo that would cause someone to be more likely to get diabetes...
Tfw cute girl looks at you
Is being on nofap basically what it's like to be a woman?
If they lifted do you think they would be more respected?
How is your gym dealing with covid?
Getting fit
Zig Forums Feels Thread
How to pull girls at the gym? Is it worth doing? Should I just focus on my gains?
Is mental illness reversible
The white man's lift
Lanklet with shit genetics here. Looking to getting some SARMs in hopes of actually gaining some size...
What turns you full autismo in the gym?
You’ve been appointed by the president of the United States to get the nations youth fit and healthy...
Oatmeal or Grits?
HOLY FUCK These guys are why I can't loose any weight! That and sugar drinks! Why the fuck does a small little snack...
Confess Zig Forums
Have you become a fuckboi since getting fit?
The picture that destroyed Zig Forums
I lift for asian women
Daily reminder to STOP WATCHING PORN
Is it better to lift in the morning or night? Is there an objective difference?
Is it possible to achieve this naturally? Please no meme answers. I need to know...
Why aren't weebs into lifting?
Donated plasma
You can't lift away the regret of breaking No Contact with your ex every time she reached out to you before ignoring...
Just ordered my lifting cape!
*enter gym*
Passive-agressive loser hate thread
“That guy” bread
What do you guys think of kombucha? Is it healthy? Does it clean the body to get more power?
What are some good high protein NEET foods? I can’t cook and don’t feel like learning how
Do you climb Zig Forums?
This board has successfully demoralized me from lifting. Fuck this shithole...
Do femanons like big ass in a man?
Sexual Preferences since becoming Zig Forums
I’m pretty happy with only one month progress without a restricted diet or working out more than 3-4 times a week...
Lift for 1 year
Baby fitness #2
WTF gigachad is actually an ugly chinless incel, why did you lie to me, Zig Forums
How to achieve this physique?
There's a gym that is 5 minute walking from my home and I'm a fat fuck so I'm thinking of signing up...
/sig/ - Self Improvement General
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
Whats the max natty?
Do you wear “lifting shoes”
/FRAUD/ General
He did this before roids existed
Can confirm
Post brutal moggings
Not taking the easiest neckpill of your life
Weak jawline
This is why I lift: fat Japanese girls
How do you like your coffee?
What makes his physique look so aesthetic? And post zyzz routine if you know them
Zig Forums Dropping LSD
Is nofap a meme?
How do i as a male eat 2200 calories per day? Without eating gross unhealthy stuff like candy and fast food
Watch porn
Is there a better bulking food than pizza? I can easily eat over 2000 calories in one sitting...
Jiu jitsu or weight lifting?
An adult male should NOT weigh under 200lbs
How many times a week do you go to the gym?
I know lots of very strong alcoholics
Barely squat 2pl8
Bodyfat estimate? Feeling tubby lads
Pulls ups vs chin ups
Zig Forums Demographic
Dude you need to eat 1g of protein per 1lb of body weight, dude trust me
Redpill me on deadlift types and grips
Bullshit or legit?
What girls have you started attracting ever since you got Zig Forums?
It's OHP day!
So what's the deal with vegetable oils? I hear it's bad for you...
Glute appreciation thread
Weak entire life
Zig Forums humor / humour
How do I not become like people in this board?
Enter house
Do muscles make up for height?
Reddit Basic Math
What do you guys think about vaccines?
Family help
The smell of fitness
Daily reminder that Zig Forums is full of people who have never skinned a knee...
Wide hips on a dude
/ sweden general /
The ideal female body is indisputably fit weight lifter chick who packs on fat...
What happened to Gym Shark?
Why is losing weight so hard?
Natty lifting becomes redundant after 2-3 years
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/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
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Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine