How to tell if someone is on PEDs?

Do lots of people lie about being Natty?
Can I get big without PEDs?

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If they make money from aesthetics or performance, then they are probably not natty. Most of the time, people talking about "genetics" mean roids.

Is there nothing that visually gives it away? Vasularity? Nipples?

Looking like you lift. Even world class natties barely look like they lift without excellent lighting.
Inb4 a bunch of noobs come in to argue.

traps, shoulders, size and leanness, timeframe
also look for signs of gyno
and if they make money from their strength or physique there's no question about it.


So what's the point of lifting weights at all?

I started a few months ago and I'm loving my beginner gains, but is this all I'm going to get? I dont want to do PEDs for temporary gains and man-tits!

You can improve the way you look, but every natty I have ever met garners 0 attention outside the gym. Nobody stops and tells them how swole they are. Do it for yourself. Find an aspect of fitness that motivates you. Do it for your physical and mental well-being.

So what will my ceiling be? Can I not get big at all? Just lean and defined?

Bro, ignore that fag. Obviously gains will slow down but as long as you’re lean you will always look better than if you didn’t lift. Besides that’s not the only point of lifting. A man needs to be strong. You need to push past your limits, when your body is screaming in pain, yet you keep going cause you’re a tough mother fucker. Listening to some high test music. Having women feel up your hardened body. That’s what it’s about. Sure, you’ll never look like some of these roided up freaks, but a lifetime of fitness is more important and if you absolutely stop making gainz, you just maxed out your body. Now maintain it and focus on other shit.

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