Glute appreciation thread

Glutes appreciation thread

Did you remember to of your squats, deadlifts and wht this week?

How much can you squat, deadlift and wht Zig Forums?

What's a good price and brand for a squat plug?

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user that's kinda gay

My boss saw this and now he's asked me to stay after work for a meeting
I think I'm getting fired, thanks asshole

He just wants you to fuck him. Don’t worry.

someone is getting a promotion.

how good are your sucking skills?

Make sure you bend over user

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How'd the meeting go?
Were you looking on company equipment or your own device?

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You’re having sex tonight

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A bf like that to squat on my face, is that too much to ask?

I am on my way home from work and girl on the bus sitting next to me stared at my phone screen the whole time while I was opening all those gay ass pics.

Talk to her about boys, she's going to like it

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>Browsing Zig Forums at work

I hit a 405lb squat pr a few months ago and deadlifted 455x7 conventional and 475x5 sumo yesterday.
>mfw friend accidentally brushed his hand against my ass and loudly said “DUDE YOU HAVE A POWERFUL ASS”

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> Clicks "Glute appreciation thread"
> surprised to see glutes

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squat 2pl8
dl 3pl8

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Is that yours? Looks pretty good, would let you sit on my face


had 2 fucked knees, turns out my right medial glute is weak as shit and my lower back was taking over every movement from standing to walking. DO FKIN GLUTES ITS HEALTHY

Cant give a full rating unless you post hole.

squat 300#
dl 400#

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don't want to get b&

Obviously you do an imgur or unsee
Do it for science

Leg day, best day.

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That's not you is it? What do you do for back?

i'd totally give you a validation grope
what do you do for legs?

sorry for low quality

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