Can lifting save this guy?
Can lifting make a beta into an alpha?
Can lifting save this guy?
Can lifting make a beta into an alpha?
10/10 wife in bongland
even at my lowest, when my self esteem was at it's worst, when my opinion of my own value was that I was totally worthless, I would never have accepted a deal this raw, some men are just beyond saving
Why would anyone do this to themselves and stay?
If he leaves his job and becomes a house husband, he gets the alpha card. She would be the bread winner and that makes him a pimp.
Mix of woke sjw politics and extremely low self esteem.
Why even marry then? For the money that bitch costs he could hire a cleaning lady and a hooker.
Kek, I always knew I had it good.
reddit tier
based. UKucks will never have this
Who the fuck takes an hour to eat a meal
Clearly this dude is gay and gets his needs met on the side. Just wants to appear normal in public with a "wife".
When your wife actually knows how to cook a decent meal you don't have to speedrun it every day, user.
Dude probably jacks off so much to tranny porn he doesn't even care his dried up wife is taking bbc on the side
Imo he's already alpha as he has seen thru the illusion that is marriage and women
she writes interracial erotica, doesn't she
He probably fucks all the interning boys in the office so it's ok.
That guy is fucking hot
This is why when u make money as a man, you don't date women above the age of 25
not as hot as this guy
They have three young kids. Obviously, she is sleeping with him more than once a decade.
You have to go back
How do you know they are his?
Depends who you mean by him
This, maybe it's just I got used to being alone, but I would never put up with such bullshit just for companionship. What is even the point if the person clearly hates your guts or thinks so little of you?
implying that a wife these days is anything else. Western women are a joke. Any race, if they're brought up after 1990 in a western country, they're not worth it at all.
Either you settle for it, or you lose your bloodline to an eastern girl. What's better, a good wife and happy life, or shitty wife but white kids.
>10,000-15,000 calories in carbs
Never gonna gonna make it.
>56 seconds
I am a fat fuck right now and I would eat that shit in half the time and then heem that fucking twink before dying of a heartattack.
>tfw already half white/half black mutt and don't have to give a shit about muh bloodline
T-thanks mom