dubs and ill show my 23andme results
>why should i care about some random guys data?
trust me buddeh youll apriciate it when you see it
alternatively, talk about your genes, and how they have affected your life.
dubs and ill show my 23andme results
>why should i care about some random guys data?
trust me buddeh youll apriciate it when you see it
alternatively, talk about your genes, and how they have affected your life.
Have sex
But you already did.
doesnt count
Op won't deliver
i swear to fuck i will
if digits OP posts face too
Let me get dem dubs
nobody cares
either post or don't
check these singles
Here you go
Repeating numerical id please
You fucks give me digits
why are my dub powers so present
doesnt count fuck you
Just post it you little shit. Or kys, I don't care
Op is a nigger
so are you gonna post it?
Fuckin nerd
you've rolled two dubs yourself, so post nigger
>23 and me
>owner is sister of ceo of YouTube and ex wife of ceo of google
why op? why are you so retarded?
Post them you subhuman mutt
>talk about your genes, and how they have affected your life.
Short, ugly, bald, hardgainer. I've been bullied all my life and have never had a girlfriend (I'm almost 26). I'm unemployed and unemployable. I've filed hundreds of job applications, and have only had one interview with a firm that didn't even care enough to call back to tell me they found someone else. I also lifted natty for 3 years, and didn't even look like I lifted until I started taking steroids. It's over for me.
Post em
pls show
I'll post mine since OP is a faggot.
Scandi/potato nigger masterrace reporting
Your glow is showing
Dubs show it
(((23andme))) thanks for your DNA goyim
>Literally giving away your genetic data to the government so you can be tracked everywhere, falsely accused of crimes, and so on