Will I go to hell if I fuck girls off Tinder...

Will I go to hell if I fuck girls off Tinder? My hormones are so high after the last few months of lifting and I need to coom so bad. I don’t want to make Jesus sad but if I don’t coom I’m going to devolve into a demon.

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your feeding your flesh to much. idk if you are saved but examine yourself in comparison to the Word. read the Bible and ask Jesus with a genuine heart if your saved.

Jesus loves you and wants you to cum my child

Pray with all your heart if you truly want to be chaste, for God will make it so. The problem is that most men don't want chastity. I sense you're one such individual, which makes this thread pointless. Peace be with you.

Having sex before marriage is a sin but i think as long as you are a good person you'll go to heaven

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You don't actually need to have an emission. Your problem is you. You're probably putting too much of that garbage in front of yourself, thinking of it too much, talking about it too much, saying how you need it is no help either. Your words reflect unto you too user.

You don't need sex, and following an ungodly path always has farther reaching consequences than most people realize. Sin destroys will power, hence why Jesus talked about it defiling.

It destroys your future, and the positive and eternal effects you can have on those around you. Really let that sink in before you start listening to lies, then selling out to lies like you just said.

Christ paid the price to set you free. So be free or don't call yourself a follower of Christ.

Blessings and guidance.

You need to ask yourself if this is not a sign. You have the urge - but instead of fucking sloots, maybe you should think about learning to fight the urge and strengthening your willpower? This is the same with porn.
Keep your heart pure friend, as I am trying to do myself. We all will fail but we always have to get back up. Godspeed

This 100%. Dont think its such an important thing. Your body is addicted. See is only to make children, unless you have a wife it is literally only a detriment to think about it

Hmmm... I’ll meditate on this. Thank you bro.

I shall keep the citizens of Zig Forums in my prayers tonight.

Don’t lead people astray, there are lots of good people in hell. The Bible says not a single one does good. Not one. Through The blood of Jesus Christ we are saved and redeemed. His sacrifice tore the veil between us and God. He is the way, the truth, and the life