How long did it take you until your six pack abs started showing?

How long did it take you until your six pack abs started showing?

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8 months and still none... also don't do abs so probably why. got skinny enough for them tho, 2 months of fasting

Damn Dua hit the wall rather quickly. But to answer your question about a year. I weighed 300 now down to 225

A couple months starting from ~18% bf. just make a comprehensive meal plan based on your calorie expenditure and slowly add cardio and drop carbs as you plateau and they will show.

Pic related

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Why are her tits so god awful

user, r u single? Pls putt ur dick in my butt

Depends. Are you in London?

took me like one raging diarrhea

No, I'm in burgerica :(

Less than a month, started at about 15% BF and did 30 mins running and 10 mins HIIT ab workout daily.

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