How long did it take you until your six pack abs started showing?
How long did it take you until your six pack abs started showing?
Easton Lewis
Thomas Jenkins
8 months and still none... also don't do abs so probably why. got skinny enough for them tho, 2 months of fasting
Hudson Gonzalez
Damn Dua hit the wall rather quickly. But to answer your question about a year. I weighed 300 now down to 225
Jack Murphy
A couple months starting from ~18% bf. just make a comprehensive meal plan based on your calorie expenditure and slowly add cardio and drop carbs as you plateau and they will show.
Pic related
Zachary Flores
Why are her tits so god awful
David Walker
user, r u single? Pls putt ur dick in my butt
Brandon Hill
Depends. Are you in London?
Caleb Fisher
took me like one raging diarrhea
Nolan Rivera
No, I'm in burgerica :(
Josiah Lewis
Less than a month, started at about 15% BF and did 30 mins running and 10 mins HIIT ab workout daily.