For what type of girls are you getting Zig Forums for?
For what type of girls are you getting Zig Forums for?
Nathan Howard
Matthew Brooks
Everything south of mexico
Luke Ward
I never got Zig Forums for girls but rather to impress boys. No Homo.
Jose Gutierrez
That first "For" wasn't needed, but fuck it, English isn't my first language
Christopher Sanchez
Mexican girls are too white for you, gringo?
Brayden Morales
>wojak poster
Roastie toastie
Isaac Rodriguez
>Zig Forums fucks niggers
t. incel who's never had any decent cunt, I've fucked 7 white girls and 2 Mexicans, I hope to fuck some Japanese girls too since I am Japanese
Angel Reed
William Martinez
How about you go back to
Daniel Rogers
too white and flat