Post body and the number of women you've slept with

Post body and the number of women you've slept with

Relevant Stats:
Height: 6'1"
Age: 20
Waist: 30"
Shoulders: 50"
Women slept with: 21

I know I'm dyel but I want to see how the muscular men of fit compare to me when it comes to women.

Attached: 20201013_013712.jpg (1616x2434, 709.34K)

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No replies because all Zig Forums are virgins. That's why they lift lmao.

im dyel and 0

im jacked and 0

im a literal faggot and 0

2: 1 Drunken hookup and 1 hooker

Slightly bigger now but too lazy to take a new pic.
Height: 6'0
Age: 20
Don't know waist or shoulders haven't measured
Women slept with: 1

I get hit on rather often (usually once or twice every time I go to a club or social bar) but I scare them away with my social autism. More into 2d women anyways.

Attached: rsz_flex_censored.png (756x1008, 969.69K)

Waist: 25"ish
Shoulders: 35"ish
Women slept with: 1 (gf)

Attached: brad.png (473x420, 429.58K)

jfc how insecure are you that you feel the need to keep score?

I've only ever slept with one woman, my current girlfriend and the woman I want to marry. Loyalty, intimacy and love will always trump random hookups.

Attached: happypepe.jpg (300x300, 16.32K)