Why the fuck did my weight loss stop?

I've been going to the gym for around 3 years, I'm 175cm height and before corona I was 10-12% bf at 77kgs. Now, because I've been lazy and gyms were closed, I got to fucking 95kgs, and I started a cut 7 weeks ago. Now I'm 88kgs but the weight hasn't been going down, and there is no way I'm not under my maintenance calories.

I eat the exact same shit every day, completely autistic, take 0 snacks, drink only water. My diet has been: morning: 400ml milk with 100g oats. Go to gym. Do weights( actually progress due to muscle memory, thank god ), do cardio for around 45minutes (400 calories or so apparently) . Come back home, eat 350g lean chicken breast + a salad made of 2 tomatoes and 2 cucumbers. This is it. Dont eat jack shit for the rest of the day. Sometimes, if I'm out of chicken breast I eat 4 eggs instead. I weight all my food, I dont take snacks, nothing. My weight hasn't been going down in 10 days, actually it dropped to 87 at some point and now I'm at fucking 88.8 after doing a ton of cardio yesterday and eating the same shit as always.

help please I'm going insane.

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to add: myfitnesspal says its around 1200 calories per day, and I go to the gym 6 days a week (ppl + cardio at the end for around 400 cals). There is no fucking way in hell my maintenance is less than 1200, I'm 88kgs and have pretty decent mass.

You need to have variety and change the calorie amounts and what you eat daily and throw in weird shit every now and then. Because your body is retarded and will adjust to whatever diet you keep steady with matching its burn rate with the diet even when there is no reason to.

Have a 2 week meal plan with 2 "wild days" thrown in with overall calorie deficit. And minimize the amount of carbs but not zero.

i usually do a cheat day on sundays and go ham
will the body adapt to that as well?
like how smart/retarded is the body?

can the body seriously adapt even to such a big caloric deficit? wtf. A friend of mine eats kfc, mcdonalds and shit like this daily and is still 73kgs.

water weight maybe? if you're getting a shit ton o salt that might be an issue

hmm i do eat quite a bit of salt, mostly on the chicken breast because it tastes like plastic if I dont use salt. I kinda feel like I'm getting leaner? but the weight goes up somehow. tdee calculators say my maintenance is 2600 or some shit, and like I said, I eat 1200 so I was expecting the weight to fly off, but somehow it increases. Really weird shit. Also no, there are no errors, I know how to weight my food and shit and I dont cheat on my diet at all.

>i do eat quite a bit of salt
>I kinda feel like I'm getting leaner
maybe get a liter more water per day and see if that helps reduce the weight numbers in the next week

i drink around 3.5l or 4, 2l in the gym and the rest during the day. Should I do more than that?

When do you weigh yourself?

in the morning after I shit, without drinking water or eating.

That's not it then.

>cheat day
fucking retard

This is best advice. Always make sure youre empty Before weighing.

thats not me(OP) btw, its another guy. I havent had a cheat day in more than 6 weeks.

are you adjusting your calories every time you lose a couple of kg?

not really, I've been eating 1200 for like 6 weeks. Figured 1200 is way lower than maintenance anyway, so

you have to be precise with that shit

no, I mean, the tdee calculator says 2600 is my maintenance. I go to the gym 6 days a week and do 400 cals cardio daily, also im 88kgs , there is 0% chance 1200 won't be enough.

Don’t do a cheat day you fucking idiot
A cheat meal maybe

honestly sounds like a retarded diet. such a tiny amount of fat and your body is probably really holding on to everything. you'd be better with a bit more balance, a little bit of natural fat

would it be good if I ate 6 eggs instead of the chicken breast? Or maybe keep it the same but also eat some nuts or an avocado maybe? It sounds counter intuitive to have to eat more in order to lose weight, but im desperate

I'm not going bother doing 6.9+ hours of research to back this up but I -feel- like this likely has to do with a lack of micronutrients required for breaking down body fat and maintaining proper metabolism in general.
Maybe try multivitamin supplements with a spoonful of whatever fat you prefer to aid absorption?
Also judging by
>i drink around 3.5l or 4, 2l in the gym and the rest during the day.
Water retention is likely also a major factor here, that's a lot of water to be consuming just in the gym so unless you're literally sweating buckets and pissing like a race horse you'd probably want to reduce salt intake as well.
I'd recommend looking into micronutrient deficiencies and seeing if any of the symptoms apply to you.
You're gonna make it bro.

I'd be hesitant to tell you to eat less chicken because you're eating so little food already, but consider getting skin-on chicken breast or chicken thigh which has a decent bit of natural fat.
my lockdown diet has literally been a whole rotisserie chicken a day. they're like $11 from the supermarket here in aus for the nice free range one. Probably has like 130 - 200 grams of protein and ~1200 or so cals. All protein and fat, tastes delicious and totally fills you up.

>you'd probably want to reduce salt intake as well.
And water itself obviously, that's a lot of water and you don't want to be flushing out even more micros due to excessive water.
Fucking hell I should stop posting right after waking up.

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thanks brother! I take a ZMA, not sure if it does anything or not. I do sweat quite a lot at the gym, because desu its the first time I'm incorporating cardio into my training, but yeah, u're right, I'll cut down on the water a bit, and on the salt. I think I'll keep the diet around the same, but add like 200cals of fat via nuts or avocado or something, because I also feel like I'm not getting enough. I can't wait to get to 75kgs or so and have abs again, I hate being so fat. I have a pretty weird body I guess, it's pretty easy for me to add weight and muscle, but cutting has always been kinda rough and weird.

Based on a quick google search I'd say that the ZMA supplement is absolutely helping you out but it's almost certainly not enough micro wise considering your extremely limited diet so I would absolutely recommend an additional multivitamin taken with the fats as well.
You're gonna have to do your own research to figure out if combining the ZMA with a generic multivitamin might lead to overdosing on some micros but honestly you'd likely be just fine simply taking a multivitamin every other day or even every day.
Good luck on your cut, gotta get summer-ready early eh?

Oh yeah, you could also just alternate between the ZMA and multivitamin, taking one each day.
Also dubs check'd.
I'm gonna gtfo now before some roidraging faggot shows up to whine about my retarded split posts/needless bumps.

I heard that it's pretty damn hard to overdose on micros, in which case you just piss them out.
>gotta get summer-ready early eh?
That as well, but just feeling better with my body in general. I used to get mired all the time, but I got fat and it's hiding all my gains. Also, I went through a rough breakup 3 weeks ago, so I find it extremely motivating to better myself in all possible areas. I'm trying to obtain my best form yet, and maybe smash some tinder hoes or something to let off some steam I guess. I even was nofap for 3 weeks ( I have never even been able to go more than 4 days before ) and I felt god damn amazing, my energy was through the roof despite the low calories, I started going to sleep at 11 and waking up at 7 which I've never done in my life ( Usually went to sleep at 3-4am or some stupid shit ). But I broke my nofap out of stupidity 3 days ago and have since fapped 7 times. But I'm done with it, because I legit felt better during nofap, dont care if it works for other people, it did for me.

Ok, disregarding It's good to hear that you're getting better but do take some time to read up on nutrition.
>I heard that it's pretty damn hard to overdose on micros, in which case you just piss them out.
Is mostly true but it does depend on the micros in question, fat soluble vitamins at the very least are very difficult for your body to get rid of which may very well lead to overdosing becoming harmful, this may also apply to other micros but desu I'm not that well versed in nutrition either, although I'm working on it.
Another thing to consider is that an excess of some micros may cause depletion of others, and as far as I know this is essentially the reason why supplement packaging generally states that it's meant to be consumed in addition to a varied diet, as generally speaking the easiest way to ensure good health without extensive research is to just eat a bunch of different shit on a regular basis and let your body sort it all out.
Not to be too self-centered but I'm in a similar boat as (you) in terms of having been getting better lately.
I owe this mostly to somewhat heavy consumption of lsd as well as adding whey protein + micros to my also limited diet.
In short I figured out that I've almost certainly been suffering from schizophrenia for around 15 years as well as a vast amount of factors that may have caused the issue.
Too bad that I'm genuinely too busy atm to get an appointment with mental health professionals to confirm my suspicions lmao.
But yeah, sorry for your breakup bro, Iktf, good luck going forwards! And do do yourself a favor and take some time to just sit the fuck down and think about your life situation as well as researching nutrition, you'll look back on it some day and realize just how unbelievably important it was to your development.
I'll try to stop spam/blogposting but I'll stick around for a potential reply.

Thank you so much bro. I hope you manage to sort out your mental stuff, you genuinely sound like a good person. Best of luck to you in all areas of your life. We are all gonna make it for sure. Remember, you can turn most bad stuff that happens to you into something good. Im still fucking hurting bad from the breakup but I have been starting to turn in into raw motivation and I can feel myself becomming better daily. Its a really hard period for me bc I broke up w my gf of 3 years and my dad got diagnosed with cancer. Im still young(21) but its the first time in my life when I feel like I MUST become an adult RIGHT NOW and take shit into my own hands, and Im literally burning with motivation. Im gonna channel some of this energy for you as well user, so we both crush our goals and make it. Godspeed

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>Why the fuck did my weight loss stop?
By definition it's because you're eating at TDEE. Eat less. Also you're probably counting your calories wrong.

Protip: I don't believe you're really eating 1200 calories-
>i usually do a cheat day on sundays and go ham
You fucking retard, fuck this thread.

Are you sure your fat loss isn't just being evened out by muscle gains?

Read the whole thread. Thats not me.
Could be I guess, since Im progressing decently well via muscle memory. But idk, it seems kinda far fetched to get a lot of muscle mass on 1200