>3pl8 diddy
>Can still barely push beyond 1pl8 5x3 on the bench
What the fuck is wrong with me
3pl8 diddy
Other urls found in this thread:
My 1RM on Bench is 72.5kg while my Deadlift is 170kg
Try incline
same dl but i ohp ur bench kek
My max on bench is 300lbs while my dl is aroubd 400lbs, whats wrong with me
I've found the bench is more heavily dependent on your bodyweight than the other main lifts.
If you're a tiny dude, you're not gonna bench a whole lot.
It's your genetic proportions. I'm the opposite: 2pl8 bench but not even 3pl8 deads
oh another thing to note is max squat is roughly equal to my max deadlift.
Based monky
OHP 75 for 4, deadlift 160 for 5
almost 3 plate bench but but only 2.5 plate deadlift here
Post body please.
I must gaze upon this physique.
I must know what 1pl8 bench 3pl8 DL looks like.
My max bench is 90kg
Squat is 110kg
dl is 120kg
ohp is 55kg
What is wrong with me. Why is everything so balanced.
Not OP but I was the same. Just looks like a regular DYEL with a bit more muscle.
Nothing crazy
Same here it’s embarrassing so I just don’t deadlift
You fucking idiot, it's the exercises you're bad at that need more work and will give you the best gains. What's embrassing is your mentality
>Struggle with 3 plate deadlift
>Bench press 325lb 3x3 with room to spare
I guess I'm a brodude
you bench and ohp is everything but balanced compared to dl and squat
Same thing man. I'm a lanklet. I can't bench a feather and have really developed pecs, at least I'm aesthetic.
There’s so many guys at my gym that are like this. that being said, it’s not a problem. Honestly good job, unless you’re an immobile fatty
>implying I'll post a pic of myself on Zig Forums
I'll give you my stats instead
67kg at 174cm
>2pl8 bench for reps
>can't deadlift 2pl8s
>can barely deadlift 1pl8
I'm tall and I'm a runner, it's extremely embarrassing
my feels are outta control rn
Are you a grill?
wtf do i do cunts? my mrs passed away 2 days ago and i feel like offing myself
Fuck you my BMI is 22.1
a 3 plate deadlift and 1 plate bench 5x3 is actually very symmetrical.
If you are implying that your bench is weaker than your deadlift then you are wrong. If anything your deadlift is weaker than your bench.
I don't know how this thread gained traction and why nobody else has pointed this out. is this some new meme?
You should get away from internet and reflect on life and be with family and friends. Not hang around the digital equivalent of a strip club with dudes.
>115kg squat
>70kg bench
What the fuck
(For reps)
I haven;t been on here in about a year. I don't have a family, but am with my mrs family. Honest to god, i feel like offing myself. I'm only 27 and have a dead mrs
Just wait it out, time heals all wounds.
In the meantime you can cash in on the sympathy gains. Every chick from here to Timbuktu is about to come over with a casserole and offer sympathy. And after a while there are other fish in the sea. Widows typically do extremely well in the dating market from what I have seen.