What's Zig Forums opinion on BCAAs?

What's Zig Forums opinion on BCAAs?
I think they're pretty good, but you have to be careful of not overloading by buying a BCAA free protein powder.

What's the best supplement to have better cardio resistance, btw?

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What the fuck is she doing?

why the fuck do nerds and tumblr kids love that sadistic crazed smile so much?

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no idea what a BCAA is but What the fuck is she doing?

they are immensely valuable. for better cardio, anything that helps with vasodilation.

sperging out but for the camera.

Being autistic

these zoomers are fucking weird man

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She’s showing expressions from the Sims

all meat and eggs are a complete protein source, so if your diet is good, or even marginal really, you have all the BCAAs you need.

that is not at all what BCAAs do in the body

The 5g radiation is mkultra'ding all zoomers close to the antenna

I lost

Havent cringed in a while

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I need a medic bag, I need it
Don't need an ammo bag, don't need it (don't)
Alright I am up, oh shit
Time to fetch the drill, stop talkin'
Come on, keep it up
Hey Hoxton, let's fuck shit up
Check your ammo
Once I hear a cellphone ringin'
Buzzin', motherfuckin' vibratin'
Open fire, I sat down and
Keep your hands where I can see 'em
Extra ammo, time to go
Oh fuck, cops are here
What's that?
Let's go down the stairs
Oh fuck, don't stop shootin'

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You need all the essential amino acids to boost your muscle protein synthesis. EAA supplements have all of them.
BCAA only has 3 of them, so it does nothing for muscle protein synthesis.
Both give you more energy at the gym when drank intraworkout.
But just better use EAA's.

Why does that guy in the 3rd from the left photo have a curved sternum?

These kids grew up between 4 walls, have no social interaction only playing vidya 24/7, their brains have melted and she is probably thinking that she's in a badly engineered 3D game.

Past the second pic


Yup, the retard is moving in 24fps lmao

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Vanya... get the PKM

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This is what female autism looks like

fucking kek, I lost it when I saw 3rd from the left

why does this webm evoke the urge to beat her still with a bat?

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I heard they're character reactions from the Sims. I think the editing looks pretty slick even if she looks retarded overall.


>decline of humanity

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What if that's a mini fridge