How do i work out my personality during the pandemic?

how do i work out my personality during the pandemic?

Attached: degreasing pizza.jpg (528x960, 60.46K)

Shove a stick or any similar shaped object up your ass. That oughta work.

you sound like a homosexual talking like that

Attached: trump dews the dew.jpg (634x808, 78.6K)

Watch videos of people talking. When they end their sentence pause the video and try to reply as if you were in a conversation with them.

You'll feel really fucking dumb at first but after a while you will get comfortable just opening your mouth and talking without worrying.

This guy looks like an oblivion NPC

How do people even get greasy pizza? Are they slathered with olive oil or something?

Cheese got oils in it

wanna know how i know you're american

Start running, jogging, and going to the store, talk to strangers. Drop witty comments. Approach people with dogs.

I'm not American. Greasy fast food pizza exists in every country that isn't a shithole.