The bar is open

Come take a seat. Have a drink, on the house. Tell us what's on your mind.

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loneliness lol kill me

I ate a grapefruit, smoked weed with shatter on it, stretched followed by a workout. I'm definitely noticing the high lasting much longer. I was so high at first that my balance was off so I waited a bit.

dropped out of college because I absolutely hate it and feel like I could strike out better on my own

Now I feel stuck between a million of my own ideas and so incredibly alone. Built a garage home gym tho so that’s tight

Bf is threatening to kick my ass again ..

>drinking alcohol
you guys don't seriously...

I am naturally a weak, unathletic person. Hitting 1/2/3/4 for me will likely take 3 to 4 years total. Ive been lifting for over 2 years and have just now reached average lifts. However, i am ok with this because the rest of my life is going well. If everything came easy then life would be boring, right?

Shatter be like that feels like smoking edibles

sounds like a bad idea

are you eating 3000 calories