>just saw a photo of my ex a year after breaking up
>she’s fat and caked in makeup
Is there a better feeling than this bros?
>just saw a photo of my ex a year after breaking up
>she’s fat and caked in makeup
Is there a better feeling than this bros?
Other urls found in this thread:
yea, like not even bothering to look
grudges lead to ass cancer
>Is there a better feeling than this bros?
The feeling of Moving on
Peeling dried up glue off your hands
exactly this. best feeling ever.
>check ex social media
>her life is much better than yours
>her new boyfriend is better looking
schadenfreuden is based.
How did you guys get there?
I know she doesn’t think about me at all but the spite really does drive me.
All the more reason to keep pushing
>check ex
>she's married
And I'm here dating a fucking WHALE
Grudges empower me.
no, it’s unironic propaganda, and extremely unhealthy. nice cope though pinhead
Why are you acting like that, bro? Did she hurt you?
Why would you want to see someone who was important to you in the past not having a good life?
>last pic I saw of her, she was in her wedding dress
>it's a blur, but somehow survived
pretty sure i'm never killing myself, now
yes, moving on with your life and finding your own happiness
Because I cared for her, loved her, traveled to the other side of the world to be with her, and when we were apart for 2 months she cucked me and asked for a “break” while torturing me because I thought I could save it
She was my first and it really hurt me
>the best day of my life was the day I fell out of love with that girl
>hung up on your ex after a whole year
Just ignore her bro, why would you care about someone who doesn’t care about you? She is worth nothing now that she refused to love you
>And I'm here dating a fucking WHALE
Maybe it was because of your attitude
It’s not normal or healthy to want to see people struggle
I play Fortnite with my exs little brother and he has went from a softy to basically adopting my brash and frankly racist sense of humour, he will be one of the good ones in a family of soft chubby/fat messes so I think I have succeeded relatively speaking for humanity
I don’t for anyone but her
I want her to google me when she’s a washed up roastie and see how good I look and how successful I am.
>date girl for 3 years
>she dumps me in classic form and breaks my heart forever
>years later see her at the gym with her new husband
>hes a fat shit
>she still looks good af
>tfw ripped and lost my gf to a fat shit
at l-least i squat h-heavy right bros
You should try having friends
>be me check up first ex who broke my heart and basically scarred me emotionally for years.
>used to be curvy, literally fat now.
>has a child
>husband is skinny fat, bald dude
>still living in shithole island we're from
>mfw I mog her husband, have travelled around the world, married a thin qt3.14, and have decided never to have children so I can spend more time and money on IMPROOOVING.
I am grateful to her for being such a bitch though.
It gave me the hate needed to develop myself and cultivate my strength.
Never want to see her again as long as I live though.
same story here
>new bf is fat, ugly, bad teeth, balding
>she's just as pretty as ever
>wonder if she still thinks of me at all
You should try lifting
Incel dweeb
I wanna touch him even more now, bros
>I am grateful to her for being such a bitch though.
>It gave me the hate needed to develop myself and cultivate my strength.