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Fitness #580
Is yoga a meme?
Motivation thread
This is why i lift
What goes through your mind while lifting heavy ass weight?
Women of Zig Forums
Hot girl weight gain, mostly fat
Natty deer, Natty deer
Is he natty?
Why do people of /fit think this is a bad ass?
Is this a lot of weight to bench?
Dear Lord Jesus Christus
I started eating a caloric surplus (300 cals) about a month ago and gained about 10 pounds
Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction
Social Media
How do I bulk in Asia?
I made a plan for my chubby coworker after he asked how I lost so much weight. What do you guys think ?
Thats why i lift
/FAST/ - Dr. FUNG Added to Op ed
Requesting the "7 Day Impulse Control" thread screenshot. I just ate 4 grilled cheese sandwiches made with garlic bread...
Why does my body look like shit bro's? Is it cause it's not shaven or is cause of my body fat...
/FAT/ - CiCo/Keto truce edition
What do you see when you stare into the mirror?
Unironically how does he continue to have so much energy and drive at 74...
I deliberately don’t look at women in the gym, because I don’t want to give them attention and validation
Am I the only one who has anxiety?
According to the power manlet Nippard I am supposed to eat 1.6g/lean body mass per day which would be 200g...
Who do you lift for?
What are some tips for good OHP form
Lighter weights vs heavier weights for building muscle...
How to make skin gains?
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Dad wants to come to the gym with me
Are there any Filipinos in bodybuilding, powerlifting, or anything strength related...
Has there ever been anyone who has actually returned to monkey?
Mood swings
Gents, I think it natty limit has finally been achieved
Is the dip really "the squat of the upper body"
My endochronologist just told me there are steroids (specifically anabolics) in regular ol' protein shakes
Anyone else feels like Squatds drain all your energy?
What now ?
New FPH thread, post your daily motivation to not be a tub of lard below
Are potatoes the healthiest source of carbs?
Be me
/sup/ - supplements general
What music do you /lift/ to bros?
Post your meal prep
Anime Convention: Mog addition
What are the benefits of jogging?
Week 3 of nofap
So... you fapped to traps again
Girls Working Out
New /CBT/
Which physical trait do you like least in White Women?
The waiter never comes when I call for him....am I still a fucking loser???
What's your motivation for working out?
There's a bit of an argument in my country atm about free school meals...
Regrew my hairline naturally
Mask of Zig Forums
Go on tinder date
I'm 185 lbs. I'd like to begin cutting. Tell me why I shouldn't just take 8 scoops of this a day and eat nothing else
It's OHP day!
The image that divided Zig Forums
Is leg lengthening surgery worth it?
Reminder that this is what the average person calls shredded. Getting any bigger is a TOTAL waste of time
Im 6 foot 5 inches tall weighing 190 pounds
Gym will be closed for a month should i bulk or cut?
Do I look like I lift in clothes?
Gyms are closed. Again
ITT: Fitness redpills
Bros,i've seen hell itself
High energy push up thread
Literally how the fuck do I get past 2pl8 bench?
Gym closed for 6 weeks again
Bros pls tell me what's the best chance and how fit i need to be as a 1...
Everyone talks about what to do to get Zig Forumsnessed but not what the motivation looks like
Stone age oopsies
I just woke up sweating, screaming
Volume days are so FUCKING hard...
Why do fast fanboys never shut up about it. Just eat less food lol
Ausfagfit general /afg/
How does a woman achieve a butt like hers?
Side effects of low test: gyno
How can one min max sleep to get the most recovery?
Whats the best fight story you guys ever had? Were you part of a fight or merely a spectator like a bitch boy?
Be honest fit how often does onions appear in your diet
How can I learn this?
So the perfect female physique is pure genetic luck, right?
Why don't you go vegan?
Zig Forums dating sim
ITT: albums for lifitng
*blocks your path*
"OMG You're So Hot! Look At Those Abs! "Can I feel Them?" Yum, Too Bad You're On Steroids"
Fit, what’s one thing you wish you woulda known before starting to lift?
Whats the point honestly
My muscles never prepared me for this... what the fuck do i do?
Walking 10 miles a day
Why does everyone stare at me at the gym? What am I doing wrong?
Just been redpilling myself on vegetable oils and pufas. Is this shit really that bad...
Mire Thread
Why does it seem that Zig Forumsizens can do what 99% of the population can't do in terms of discipline, rigour...
Will the natty king ever take the belt and make Zig Forums great again...
Monkeys paw: Zig Forums edition
Well Zig Forums are you hot enough?
6 foot 5 190 pounds
I hope youre ready for an unforgettable workout
Why am I not a fucking Chad
How can I enjoy doing abs?
Delray Misfits
/SIG/ Self Improvement General
Is GOWAD meant to be done alongside GOMAD or in place of it?
Try keto for a month
Walk into your wife's room
Any ideas why my metabolism is so shit? Doctors keep ignoring it
The brain is the strongest muscle in the body, how do you personally train it?
Question for people with ADHD, do you use any preworkouts, or similar things?
Dietology is literally the most meme science possible...
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
So Zig Forums, are you here to win?
What’s your excuse?
What am I doing wrong
Please post all the parodies you have
What anime/manga have inspired you to get fit?
This can't be
Let see how smart Zig Forums really is. When you lose weight where does your mass actually go?
Tfw every gym in LA is closed
The sun has fallen out of orbit and is on a collision course with earth
I think I’ve hit my rock bottom in terms of my binge eating...
Name a manlier lift guys
Post Wheyfus
Can lifting really save you if you’re ugly as fuck?
Can someone redpill me on SARMs? I'm about to order some ligandrol and cardarine (not the pic related brand)...
Bulking season boys
I fell for the bulking meme bros. I'm fat now, maybe 30%. I feel so sad looking at my older photos...
So what type of clothes do you usually wear Zig Forums?
What's the ideal male body, functionally and aesthetically?
Did lifting change your racial preference?
I have a meeting in 5 days...
How do i achieve this body?
ITT: Things you'd do at a home gym but not a public one
He just posted this what happened
Is it autistic to lift in tactical gloves?
/mag/ Martial Arts General
/fat/ - Sweats Not Sweets Edition
You Know Who Doesnt Care That You're On Juice?
FPH - Fat People Hate
Are pickles bad for you?
/FAST/ General - 5:2 Recomp Edition
Meanwhile on the Zig Forums intergalactic gym
Yo I have a weak core...
Would deadlifting 135lb for 10x20 make lifting/carrying my RealDoll girlfriend effortless?
How many eggs is it reasonable to eat in a day? I got into an argument with my roomate over this
When do I get a tradwife in a wheat field?
Bros... is it over for short guys?
How can I make my upper body bigger in proportion to my lower body?
Volkov def. harris
Why do women have difficulty in opening jars?
How much do i need to lift to acquire a gf like this?
The natty deer appears from the bushes. Ask it a question, receive the truth
I just had a cold shower after doing cardio and when I was cleaning my crack my finger slipped inside and I got hard...
Chocolate is not only safe, but extremely beneficial to people who actually exercise
Has anyone of you ever raped a girl? What was it like? Is it worth the risk?
WTF do you do this situation
Does being Zig Forums hinder everything else around you ?
So girls like booty too?
*mogs you*
Why isn't nutrition and exercise taught in schools?
What is your dream, Zig Forums?
Zig Forums bands/artists
Is Ass genetics or you can have a great ass even if you are an Asslet?
Why haven’t you taken the intensity pill?
Has anyone of you ever raped a girl? What was it like? Is it worth the risk?
Can't afford any food today
Give me one good reason for why i shouldn't just get a trapbar for my homegym
Eat 1700 cal per day and going at a casual fat loss from waist
How old did you stop growing?
Posted based youtubers, I'll start
...SO YEAH...
Pic related is porbably the most 10/10 woman of all time and she dates a fat and ugly redditor...
Halloween costumes for /fit
So user, have you progressed since last time?
Cico vs fasting
Is the test boost from fucking prostitutes worth it?
Is kata good for you?
Just do pushups and eat nothing bro
My kitty wants to get big, any tips?
Zig Forums 'n' /feels/ bar: Mental Health general
How can someone who exercise everyday look like this?
What motivates you to pick heavy objects up and place them down in a controlled manner?
Is God directly giving him strength?
Do you meditate ?
NoFap Thread
That one smelly indian at the gym
Why do people gain weight in quarantine
So how much do I have to lift before I go from a 2/10 to fuckable to women?
How do you feel about bench pressing with safety bars...
Look it him. He never gone to the gym...
Brain developement hobbies, criticize please, what is missing here?
Are women good for you?
I think I'm going to die
I lift more than you and I lift for a cat girl. Fix yourself
ITT your impossible dream physiques
Penis Size
Why don't you have abs user ?
Can the human body design be improved upon?
How to deal with attention deficit disorder without medicine?
Post your
Too muscular for you /fit?
The Feels Bar is open, user. What's on your mind and in your glass?
Fit, do you shave your armpits, why or why not
Gymbro asks what music do I listen to at the gym
Cheers to user finally benching 2pl8, everyone!
That socially awkward guy who got /fit
Finally hit 2pl8 squat after 4 years
Cutting on 1600 calories
Why would women rather be skinny than muscular? Do they really think guys like that?
What's better for building muscle:
Well? Answer Inosuke, Zig Forums
How do blacks, especially rappers, get so lean? They don't do shit, what gives?
What's the best exercise for enby people? What's best for keeping them petite and lithe?
It's Saturday night Zig Forums; why are you here?
Starting Strength Hate Thread
Rotisserie Chicken A Day
What is this mode
Ausfag general afg
Wife (seperated) is fucking someone else to get pregnant. We never had kids...
So this happened to me today
Chad Jawline
/plg/ Powerlifting General
You lift with your father right user?
Do you weigh as much as the average American woman, user?
Your respond to this picture?
To shave or not shave
Is there any merit to physiognomy?
The sport of hockey gives women the best bodies
Do you look fit with a shirt on Zig Forums?
Why am I rapidly losing my vision right now...
Can a good body make up for a bad personality? I just want sex I'm so horny
What purpose does fruit serve for Zig Forumsness?
Rock climbing/bouldering
Post ur goals fitty boys
Does weed have any health benefits?
Are you a dangerous man Zig Forums?
Is it possible to get a body like this with only bodyweight exercises and cardio?
How much muscle to get this reaction?
Is this achieveable natty?
Hey bro, it's my turn for the bench
Be me
Walk into gym
Would you trade being fit and feeling unworthy and depressed with being out of shape, yet happy?
Posts hour long vids about PED's, hair loss prevention, workout routines, colognes, supplements
Not touching your dick won't fix your screwed up life and shitty NEET habits
Home gym master race
What kind of routine gives you a body like this?
Do you have hunter eyes or prey eyes?
Is this all it takes to bang 20 year old pussy ?
Is the carnivore diet dangerous?
Zig Forums humor
We're not all going to make it
Could lifting have saved him?
Its Coming Boys
MMA VS Zig Forums
Be newfag dyel on a cut
Is tea good for you
Which one Zig Forums?
It's over, guys. Fitness is racist
/PLG/ - The Strengthlifting General
I lift so I can send the absolute most ridiculous messages to my tinder matches and still have them reply and be...
Zig Forums halloween costume ideas
Is 1pl8 OHP actually decent or can anybody do it?
Is this really true
I need to have a pullup bar in my house but my father says it's not possible cuz the house is old and walls aren't that...
Uncle user have you ever really wanted to do someone - lol i mean something - people said was wrong? *blushes*
High test thread brehs
Is coffee good for you?
Catching Zig Forumsbros in my gravitational orbit for advice
A 100 kg barbell is placed on the floor in front of you. You're asked to show how strong you are...
The image that divided Zig Forums
Tfw have been doing push ups the wrong way
Want to hear a joke?
Have you ever stopped and thinked that almost all the hot women are left-wing? Not socialist but liberals...
CBT for an lonely Friday night/Saturday morning
You are crazy to go aestethics right bros? :DDD
Lifting makes you look bet-
Guys now that I am getting Zig Forums and I have confidence...
Why do manlets cope so hard by going full gymcel?
The Original /FitLit/
Balding is worse than terminal cancer. Ded srs
It wasn't meant to be like this
The image that destroyed Zig Forums
How do I go this mode?
Fanboys still insist Eric is natty
I got a pair of dumbbells from a co-worker today after she learned I was looking for some to start lifting...
Is it normal to not feel like cooming after lifting heavy? I'm pretty sure it is. I'm not even a nofapper...
Is coffee good for you?
Ausfag general afg
Why do you keep ordering milk when we go out? It's embarrassing
Anons with gfs do u tell them about the chan and Zig Forums??
Legs tomorrow
Are SARMS safe? There's so much contradicting information out there. Also...
Bars open lads, what will it be Zig Forums?
Why do Zig Forums girls do this?
For me it's ISO100 Hydrolyzed Fruity Pebbles Flavor Protein Powder
Do you wear gloves when lifting?
What the fuck am I doing wrong? I can't seem to put on any noticeable muscle at all even though I'm gaining weight...
Turned 18 yesterday. Should I start lifting or just focus on other shit?
Does shaving your legs make you run faster?
Cutting inspo thread
What could she have done differently?
Tips on how to stop being a fucking fatass
Holy shit hahahahahahah
How long does he have left, bros?
Rate my vegetarian 3k calories ezclap today (budget included)
FPH - Fat People Hate - No Politics Eddition
This is literally peak male performance
Muh 1/2/3/4 real strength!111
Zig Forums opinions on arching during bench?
tfw prey eyes
Tfw didn't smoke the jew stick and weed for 10 days
Why do they make creatine capsules but not protein capsules?
Is anyone else hyped for this...
It is time to roll, Zig Forumsters
ITT: Cursed bodies
You can only post ITT if you've deadlifted 500lbs within the last month
Why are men so scared to settle down?
I am 5'8. If I were to get bone lengthening surgery on both my legs and arms...
Best body, best fighter, best martial art there is. Nothing can stop a good Muay Thai fighter, prove me wrong. Pro tip...
Who's your favorite Zig Forums mommy?
Tfw no tomboy gf
My relationship with food is the worst I know of (binge eating disorder) so I’m trying OMAD for a little bit before...
Be overweight alcoholic
There are girl here, on this board right now, flicking their beans to Zig Forums Gymcels. How does that make you feel?
Bulkers of Reddit how many meals do you eat per day?
Yo Zig Forums
Dating a fit girl
He was only 21
Did becoming Zig Forums improve your tinder?
How the fuck do you keep your phone in your pocket...
Beware Of Ginger Water
/running general
Just got got some nice Chinese food as a treat for myself and didnt tip them a penny. U dont tip do u?
Masturbating to your crush's instagram right after lifting
"Penis size is affected by testosterone levels during puberty"
You were talking in your sleep uncle user *giggles* what's my c*nny and why do you want to smash it are you mad at me?
/FAST/ zoomers = weak hypochondriacs
All I want is to look like this, and people here say its "DYEL mode" and "easy as fuck" to obtain...
/fat/ - Halloween Edition
Bench press is right below a light
When I work out my biceps I get pain in my elbow for the next few days and its more noticeable when extending my arm...
Gonna kill myself
Who do you lift for, Zig Forums?
I've hit my breaking point, I'm done being too paranoid about Covid to go to the gym...
Post your height, weight, lifting numbers and rate this image from 1/10 based on how attracted to feel towards her
I just got fucking mogged by my 40 year old boss
Feels thread
Does size really matter?
The natty deer appears from the bushes. Ask it a question, receive the truth
C:/calisthenics general
Have I made it?
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
Is it over for me? How much loose skin am I looking at if I even managed to lose all of this?
/mag/ Martial Arts General
What's the best diet and exercise routine for a body like this?
What was your rock bottom turning-point moment that made you pick up the iron, Zig Forums?
What's your ape index?
Are saturated fats good for you?
Just hit 2pl8 press and i feel fucking psyched
What do women want, Zig Forums?
Anxiety attacks for no apparent reason
Is this one image responsible for years of fuming BBC posting?
So how are 6'1 manlets coping with the fact that average girl is higher than them?
You did eat your raw garlic today right?
Who the fuck did this?
Am i too old am i ngmi?
Nothing upsets me more than the fact that steak costs too much to eat everyday
How do I get to love squats?
W-wuat? Goku san is a manlet??
Tell Zig Forums do you ass mog your gf
He doesn't cuddle with his girlfriend for the oxytocin gains
Has being Zig Forums ever lead to trouble in the workplace for you?
Indians get in here
Couldn't stay hard in condom
Why does Zig Forums hate bread? Or this an American thing because I presume Amerilard bread is basically cake
Could lifting have saved them?
At which point lifting stops to be a good thing to turn to degeneracy?
/NoFap/ #2
Why do people refuse to accept mental illness as real?
At what age are you supposed to give up on fitness and trying to cling to your youth...
Why is the "3 square meals a day" meme pushed in society when intermittent fasting is a way better practice?
What exercises can I do to become a better femboy?
Give me one good reason why I shouldn't buy a trap bar
FAST General
GYM PLAYLIST: N-no h-homo, bro Edition
Is 21 too old to start boxing?
People who have been browsing Zig Forums regularly for at last 3 years
Zig Forums breakfasts
Post cut motivation
Is it possible to become fit enought to get a gf like that?
I would surely think such diligent workers would recieve fine compensation for their work
You eat 3000 calories A DAY? How are you not fat?
That guy who yawns between sets
Be careful nazis
Why do tribe lift rock
High test men like high test bitches
Will the stubble eventually come? Any Zig Forumsness stuff I can do to help?
Based Quotes that get you Fired UP
What is your motivation for picking up heavy things and putting them down again?
Natty lifting is a complete joke if you're not genetically gifted for sports or bodybuilding. I mean, sure...
Damn Zig Forums, if I was not here for a long time I would have been mad at this guy. Now I'm just mirin' those calves
Post yer post-workout face
Tried boxing for half an hour
Help anons
Girlfriend doesn't like guy with muscles?
Confess, it's been a while
This kills the vegan
Do you still need to train abs if you do heavy compounds?
The fuck is this shit
Ausfag General /AFG/
What type of body do each one of them have?
Weird shit you do in the gym shower?
Anxiety n shit
The bar is open
Mfw skellys say its hard to eat 3000cal a day to gain weight
Well Zig Forums?
Neck Size
How much do you squat/bench/diddly?
Supplements for that'll help improve running that are worth looking into?
30% female
Name a more pathetic martial art than bjj
Should i kill myself?
How do I embrace my feminine side?
The power of targeted advertisement
If you aren't squatting at least 3plate as a dude
Are the girls you went to school with already hitting the wall?
Trips ans I will wear this to the gym next week
I'm 21
I only do two workouts for leg day, what am I missing?
He is BACK
The Amount Of People Who Have A Dedicated Arm Day Is Evidence Of Societal Retardation
This is it boys
Why does Zig Forums dislike Greg Doucette?
99.99% of western women are either fat, dumb, whores, have “mental disorders” (according to them)...
I need help losing fat guys
What's the best diet for clear and healthy skin?
What is the point of this ad?
It’s over for alphadestinycels
Do I look like shit bros
2 months calisthenics
Is the carnivore diet dangerous?
Just a flu bro
6'3 (tall) plus how much you weigh
What are some based Zig Forums costume ideas?
There are people, on this board, right now, who do not eat organ meat
Realistically, How do I lose 20 pounds by January? (No malnutrition or anorexia)
If your breaths per minute isn't below 4 you're breathing wrong
Are you fit enough to chase down an antelope and carry it back to the village, user?
Is it weird from a guy being jealous of a girl for her thin legs?
That guy who wears basketball shorts to the gym
Tfw lost 31 pounds in 50 days
How do you lift with a manual labor job? 8 hours in the sun squatting, bending down, terminating wires...
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
How tf do I grow traps
How do naturally skinny people do it?
/fat/ - Feelin' Like a Big Fat Fuck Edition
Is coffee good for you?
On 10th rep, struggling to reach 12
6' is the ideal height, I know everyone thinks it is 6'2 or 6'3, but 6' is a better height...
There is 0% chance this old man in his 40s is natural
Just a friendly reminder this is considered "huge"
40 days nofap
Sleep Aids?
I just did 10 pull ups
Daily reminder: Powersharting isn't a real sport...
Does your girlfriend/boyfriend lift/work out, Zig Forums? What sport/routine do they do?
I think Finasteshit gave me fucking cancer
Women officially CANCELLED
What’s Zig Forums gonna be for Haloween
Its my birthday today Zig Forums. I have barely any friends so no one told me happy birthday...
Is it ok to do drugs moderately (like a few times a month) and still be healthy...
You DO see a dentist every 6 months, brush twice a day with an electric toothbrush...
Was his rage justified?
Is tea good for you?
Any people boxing here?
1700 cal
The vegan diet is missing over 15 nutrients (Vitamin A, F ,K2 ,D, B6 as pyridoxal and pyridoxamine, B12, Creatine...
Look at this triggered twitter fatty trying to cope because he's never lifted a weight in his life
New CBT (old one is near 300)
I kinda wanna start /frauding/ but I have a little gyno left from puberty, should I avoid taking gear then?
Nofap adventures
I just found out I weigh 400 lbs after eating better all year and lifting when the gym was open...
My girlfriend flushed down 10lbs (worth 110$) of whey because she thinks it is "amoral"
What's his routine?
Does alcohol fuck your gains?
Who do you lift for, Zig Forums?
19 Men Go Shirtless And Share Their Body Image StruggleS
No amount of lifting will ever fix my cursed frame bros, it never began
Is genetics more important than diet?
What happens if I hit my caloric goal but surpass the fat intake limit?
Yes, these are real
Martial Arts
Smoke a couple ciggs
Memes aside. how do i get a gf like pic related?
Do you have an OF?
I'm worried about catching the coof so I haven't been to the gym in almost a year
I want to look like the before picture
How is she still alive?
Why are liberals usually dyel and conservatives are usually ripped?
Is jiu jitsu reddit tier?
What is your go to bulk meal for big gains and big muscle
So is “Ottermode” considered an unrealistic body now?
Are cute, petite Asian girls the best choice for muscular, high t guys?
Do you workout while hungover? Drank a six pack last night and feeling like shit right now. Bjj class is in 3 hours
Do you guys not feel like dating after becoming Zig Forums?
I like this guy
What weight did you start with on bench?
Gotta eat big to get big.. Right?
Redpill me on Seitan
I'm fucked, aren't I?
Dark circles
The natty deer appears from the bushes. Ask it a question, receive the truth
Opinion about SARMS
Why are Yakuzas so DYEL?
Motivation thread
Fuck alcohol
You don't buy your food at LIDL, do you user?
Be me
How do I get past 2pl8 bench?
How do you know when you are doing ab wheels right? I feel anxious cuz i might be doing em wrong i dunno
Never done a single squat
Lifting mascots/plushies
ITT: we post our rooms Zig Forums bois
Ausfag General /AFG/
I have fallen to the memes
Health Benefits Cocaine
How the hell some people eat all junk food but stay skinny, whereas some others eat healthy...
Reminder that exercising turns you into a chud so you better stop now before i call you a chud
Pisses all over your gym mats while deadlifting
How do I get this body
How actually important is 8 hours of sleep to your health and well-being?
I have been balding since I was 16, I'm 20 now and it's looking pretty bad. I have heard that minoxidil helps...
Whats the overall view on carnivore diet?
Nofap for 2 days and my cock is literally throbbing...
How do I lower my blood pressure so I don't die haha
Is it even possible to make it if you're Asian? Even their biggest """legends""" get laughed at and dabbed on
/fitizens what keeps you motivated?
How do you fuckers actually manage to do PPLPPLX while natty...
Which warriors/soldiers throughout history had the best diet and exercise routine?
This is why I lift
Are you nervous about COVID?
Why do blacks have it so easy when it comes to gains?
So this is what 3 months of lifting, pushups and dips gets you huh
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
Any Update on pangolin toe user?
Walk into the gym
Why do soldiers always look so frail...
tfw 23
Indian people in my gym
Calisthenics general
I'm assembling a team
/sleep/ general thread
How the fuck am I supposed to consume 3.7L of this shit a day? I barely hit 2L with just normal thirst
Current body thread cbt
Can you take steroids during a special forces pipeline...
Dermarolling and loose skin/stretch marks?
Is black skin better for muscle definition...
How the fuck do I avoid starvation mode?
Symmetric Strength
How do I know if I'm good looking enough to potentially pick up a girl at a club, in public etc?
Home gymers will defend this
Be me, 19
Can you undo genetic unfitness?
Was tempted to buy a penis pump to get above that 7 inch mark yet I'm scared I'll have scar tissues in my dick and...
Ok uncle user face down on the bed like you said! now what happens lol
NoFap is a bad meme
Who was in the wrong here?
Hi Zig Forums, Zig Forums here
Redpill me on PWO
Truths you learned after getting fit
Is coffee good for you?
Age 36. 6 months of Fin Progress
So user, is there anything else you can talk about but lifting?
Outside of lifting weights what do you guys do with your spare time?
How to get better at 5-a-side?
Cutting inspiration
The mogging of a life time
If you were perfect, no health problems, 6'6 straight ripped as fuck juicy adonis with 140 IQ and 10k a day, bbc
Why would anyone be vegan?
Wide pelvis thread
Visit mother on way home from gym
How important is genetics percentage wise, compared to routine/diet?
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
Social Zig Forumsness
Metal thread
Take the Mentzer pill
This is the dumbest shit ever
Vitamin c
What's more attractive to women, low bodyfat or physical strength?
How can so many people say they have "bad form" whilst running? I mean you just run mate. It isn't that hard
Redpill me on CREATINE
Why does Zig Forums embrace powerlifting but not olympic weightlifting?
Weight loss motivation
Hitler Fitness
Was it justified?
Does your gf mire your gains??
Shirt sizes are tailored to fit fatasses
Cant lift away the gender dysphoria
Very hard to progress at this point
Does anyone listen to hardcore metal/trap music while at the gym?
Zig Forums why didn't you tell me about this?!?!
How do I achieve this body?
Tall guys: how to gain?
Does happiness derive from Zig Forumsness? Money? Both?
People around Zig Forums constantly say that 6'1 is a manlet cut off. the fuck is wrong with you people
Black vs White Pill Thread
Whats the easiest way for weight loss?
3 days nofap
How come the more I lift the more I wanna get headscissored by a muscular woman?
Zig Forums stories, preferably any like pic related
Zig Forums approved shoes
No humour thread?
Day three of self improvement
Uni Strength Coach, ask me anything
/BBG/ - Bodybuilding General
Virgins of Zig Forums
What’s more important to build muscle mass? Calories or proteins?
Current body thread cbt
Is wrestling good for you?
Quit anime
My testosterone test came back
Why even bother? Why even call yourself alpha?
Day 2 of quitting
Giving back
What does a peak aesthetic NATTY chest look like, my perception has been warped by roidfags
Greek statue mode
Is she right?
Anyone else taken the 28 hour day pill?
My mom chooses to poop only after her yoga pratice is done. She claims she has the best bowel movements post yoga...
Help me Zig Forums
Wednesday lifting thread
Gym wifi blocks Zig Forums
Feels bar is open for business
Tfw only able to deadlift 80kg for 1 rep
Who here /snoozer/?
Tfw going to prison
I am dumb
Thread about martial arts/self defense
Cardio is fucking stupid
Never been in a fight before but took boxing classes for 5 years
Why are Gregorian chants the only known genre of music that doesn't seem to lower your testosterone levels?
/fph/ consumption edition
Ausfag general
Australia banning most pre-workouts
When you discuss lifting with women, why do they look at you like this?
Are hodge twins /ourguys/?
Got angry at some bitch on tinder
The highest protein per dollar on the market. The McChicken. Say something nice
I'm completely DYEL, haven't exercised a day in my life. I'm 26 years old kissless virgin
Fucking hate this shit...
Who do you lift for?
Is this achievable natty?
Can't believe that if I had kept my tongue on the top of my palate since birth I would have been looking like a chad...
Gym stereotypes thread
/plg/ Powerlifting General
What mode is this, Zig Forums?
/SIG/ - Self Improvement General
Excercises to get GF bigger legs and butt
ITT: we post the cringiest martial arts that attract retards
Thoughts on dr rhonda patrick and her body of work?
Just saw a photo of my ex a year after breaking up
This guy is a fucking retard
NoFap bros
How do I find muscle momma gf
How do you fix this?
Cigarette smoking: an underused tool in high-performance endurance training
17 y/o and looks like that
Why is there part of me that wants to remain extremely self loathing and filled with rage (to the point of nearly...
Overrated? What do I even get from taking this?
Are the lookism autists right?
”Howard? You are my coach and you should know I have MOGGED a lot of people! ....UGH....Ugh...
Let's be real tea for a moment
How long can you hold your breath? You arent a lunglet are you, user?
I don't have weights, or cables, or any equipment, not even a pullup bar
I lift for Rei Ayanami
How much do you reckon he weighed while playing bateman? Hes 6'0 (allegedly) for reference
Redpill me on this guy, seems pretty based but also sometimes shat on
You are 100% responsible for your chin development. Your mouth is a backup respiratory option...
/fat/ - carb reduction works best edition
Pour oats in bowl
Waist thread
What makes the barbell so magical that machines can't replace it?
Sup Zig Forums
Do taller people really have a harder time building muscle?
Running Advice/Thread
Holy shit sardines are good...
Why do only girls do this?
Martial arts are fun, i miss doing martial arts. Will we ever be able to do martial arts again? corona
What sort of training did they do brehs?
Haha user why the fuck your wrists so small
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine