W-wuat? Goku san is a manlet??

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he's a drawing

Tall for Asian standards. Vegeta is the manlet, pretty sure he's only 5'4" or 5'5"

how the fuck?


He does cardio. A lot.

>Super ripped 5'9" guy
>less than 140 lbs
Proof once again that anime/manga people are dweebs who have never exercised in their life

originally Goku was 5'7'', but they retconned him 2 inches taller. Vegeta was 5'3'' but they connected him to 5'5''. Krillin is still stuck in the 5' range. Everybody punches above their weight.

5'9 is still manlet tier :C Vegeta is fucked beyond belief.


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toriyama is retarded and senile

you guys might want to start looking at the 135 lb division in ufc

Kek. now look up vegeta height.

Vegeta is like 5'3"

Honestly looks 250 lean actually
Bench, dead, and squat?
Never would have thought about this as a kid

175 cm, or 5'9 is not manlet. Except for online dating culture with hypersexual women and men, this standard simply has not been established except in the mind of insecure lanklets that feel good about themselves just because they are tall. They did not achieve anything, and the reason they are tall is probably because of genes and a reasonable diet, made possible by ... their parents. If a chick isnt gonna date me because I am short she was not worth dating to begin with. Now stop this fucking internet dating height copism and try to compare yourselves to actual great people, not to a fucking 2d drawing or to the standards of some schizo.

They cut weight, they're like 150. Also they're closer to 5'4 than 5'9.

nice blog. cope.

>doesn't know what post Kaioken pump looks like.

Based and self-security-pilled

Kaioken increases muscle densitiy though so he's probably around 200lbs there

>they're like 150
doesn't change anything

He squats and does pushups for hundreds of reps at 100x gravity, so at least 13,600 lb bench and squat.

>Senzu beans

Lmao this is what a 5'9 bantamweight looks like

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He is a saiyan that controls KI, so I suppose a lot of the power actually comes from the Ki control and the different genetics. Who knows what his muscle fibers are made out of?

There's no way he weighs so little. I was 62kg 5'7 earlier this year and an absolute skeleton. Had some muscle definition but at least down 8 kg of pure muscle to reach goku mode.

dumbfucks never get heights right
he's like 190lbs at the min

5'4 150 is a bmi of 25.7, into the overweight range
5'9 135 is a bmi of 19.9, almost in the underweight range

Goku would look like George Roop or something

Goku is a chimp.

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