So how much do I have to lift before I go from a 2/10 to fuckable to women?
So how much do I have to lift before I go from a 2/10 to fuckable to women?
Bout 170
Good hygiene (shower at least once a day)
Shave your face or grow a beard. No patchy messes
Lift a lot, eat a lot
Have self-confidence
Actually talk to women (who give you choosing signals)
Not always easy, but pretty simple
Whoa man why didnt i think of all that!?
You must be a really smart guy, you should be a dating guru!
Just be clean and look for the signals :)
not that guy but what the fuck else are you gonna do? you know that thinking about things and actually doing them are completely different things right? try to not be a faggot for once and you might be surprised.
Also I really fucking hate women.
Post a pic of yourself. I'll let you know your fuckability and future fuckability.
Its zero. I already know that because I have endured 21 years inceldom, aside from the occasional prostitute
Faggot you look good
Wow you're one ugly ass nigga
No fixin that, sorry
You'll need to acquire money to get women
You have a good face shape/bone structure. I would definitely cut your hair short though. I know for a fact you'll get more attraction from girls if you do that.
yeah crackers call me N
Actual blacks call me uncletom/lightskin
whatever I hate you all
you say that because you're a horny old gay guy
I'm into women
trying bro I'm trying
every time I get paid I buy some ethereum and stash some away for hookers
Stop ruining my combo you faggots
looks like you wont have a cool post for r/Zig Forums
>you know that thinking about things and actually doing them are completely different things right?
You'd be surprised.
People with shit confidence also tend to have shit visualization skills.
If you can't mentally imagine yourself doing something, chances are you probably can't do them.
It's all a matter of mental fortitude and intensity.
Almost all of my thoughts are in pictures
part of why I stutter
because my speech is just a translation of my thoughts
I cant get laid because its hopeless no matter what I do
I cant win
Wow bro, I never thought that I had to take care of my hygiene. This is eye opening, after this shower I'm gonna be drowning in pussy
Listen to me and cut your hair bitch, it looks awful.
I didnt post the post you are replying to but no I will not cut my hair.
what dont you people understand
If I had the FACE to get laid, my hair wouldnt matter. I've tried everything, from buzzcut to mid length to now.
Anyways, all that aside, I dont hate myself enough to cut my hair. Theres nothing wrong with it
I'm bald kek
Hey negro, the 80s called.
>ctrl f
no fat, no weight
You need to lose weight
ok bro
This big bunda called
I'm 180lbs on the dot and not fat
Losing more weight would not alter my face at this point.
Lets say hypothetically that you can't get laid (neither can I). What's the point of being so down about it?
It's horrible. But at least we can still work out.
Uh, you look cute. Why would you say you're a 2/10.
idk it feels good to whine about it
I feel so fucking weak seeing all these whores who wont even let me touch them
thanks for the compliment but I'm interested in girls
but desu I wouldnt mind banging a guy at this point if they were girly looking
How thin are your wrists...
the answer was infront of you the whole time OP
confidence isn't a meme learn to talk to women
and don't take advice from women even they don't know what the fuck they want
I was just being mean, you don't look nearly as bad as you think
That hair doesn't do you justice though, if you manage to get jacked and looksmax yourself you'll get plenty of pussy, assuming you don't have the big ol austimo
Also don't lift for women and aesthetics, you're never gonna make it if you do
thanks bro but women just dont seem to agree
Usually the only positive attention.i get is from older gay white/mexican
men with a mulatto fetish
not sure I can looksmax in any meaningful way either .
My face is about as lean as it will ever get and it just developed poorly... possibly due to bad childhood nutrition but whatever... I dont have any money for surgeries and I feel like it would be pointless to get surgery when I could just blow the cash on hookers instead.