It's been too long since my last mire. Let's hear some of your stories.
Mire Thread
>Sit inside all day except to go downstairs to apartment gym
>Fiance gives my ceps a squeeze, giggles when I pick her up
Based. Hope it works out man.
>fuck hooker
>user how much do u bench mmm *whore sounds*
>old cashier lady wish me a good day and called me "honey" after I finished buying groceries
So this is what making it feels like. See ya later, virgins!
people compliment my physique these days (even cute girls) but I had never received compliments in my life it feels really fucking weird, also I'm a virgin so I get confused a lot like "does this mean she wants to have sex with me?"
Why dont you ask them and find out
A cute girl at my gym asked my friend if I have a girlfriend
>walk into work and this girl who pretends to hate me says "damn you been working out?"
>she blushes and immediately backtracks saying she meant to say I look like I've been working hard (at the job)
>3 female coworkers catch this interaction and start clowning her, one says I do look good
>reap good feels
>meet girl
>like her
>ghosts me
>move on
>months pass
>change my profile picture to one flexing a cep
>sends me a message
>deletes it right after
I'm not even gonna bother I'm 100km away that's too far for a casual fuck. Should've done that earlier I guess. Bittersweet mire.
When I was skinnier. Two girls asked their male friends my name.
Happened this week
>open up door
>IT guy was about to pull it
>always friendly with him
>get in his face aa he looks at my chest
>"How did you get so ripped?"
>later that day we were discussin diet and what exercises I started with
Felt good altough I like it better when it's a woman who mires
Had dinner the other day and a girl sitting alone at a table with her computer kept giving me longing glances. When I got up to leave her eyes followed me out the door.
how should I react when getting mired?
> Bump into an old friend at a party
> Haven't seen her in 3 years
> Oh user you're looking so good
> Grabs my arm
> I'm not a cheater
> Go home to my gf
>I'm not even gonna bother I'm 100km away that's too far for a casual fuck
Bitch i live in Eastern Montana, i have to drive that just to go to a movie.
If it was a guaranteed fuck I wouldn't think about it, but she ghosted me once so I'm not up to entertain her just so she flakes once I'm there.
Fair point
ask a girl how much she weighs then show her in how many ways you can easily manhandle her weight with a barbell
Did this with a fat chick I went to the gym with who tried to friend zone me because of her bf. Was barbell rowing 210 like it was nothing, benched it like nothing (who couldn't? but they don't know that), OHP'd it, squatted it for tons of reps, dead lifted it for tons of reps ect
It was kind of a weird work out, and it was corny because before I did that I was like can your bf pick you up for sex and she was like no but we ended up fucking in my car
Dont tell him that, you know damn well he is gonna go about that in the absolute worst way possible
>start job at 90% female work place
>GILF with massive tits always smiles at me when she walks past
>super friendly and spills spaghetti whenever I run into her in the kitchen
>At OP's house
>Visiting his mom (OP stays down in the basement when I come over)
>OP's mom comments on my pectorals
>I flex a 'cep for her
Later gave OP a brother after I became his stepdad
Finger guns. The kind where you snap your fingers first.
I was walking down Soi Honey in Pattaya Thailand and a ladyboy yelled “you have a nice body!” At me and waved
>putting in this much effort for a fat chick
Why the fuck do you even lift?
Why are you taking up space at the gym? Give it to someone who actually needs it and will use it for something good.
I walked there as an obese piece of shit and got mired by ladyboys for my body too. Yep, I think we made it, user
Hell yeah brother!
You better slay that cougar.
>tsundere coworker