How do naturally skinny people do it?
I can't stop eating carbs. Pretty much eat a piece of bread and gain 5 lbs.
Cut down to 20% and its impossible to go below that.
I will always have a fat face.
How do naturally skinny people do it?
I can't stop eating carbs. Pretty much eat a piece of bread and gain 5 lbs.
Cut down to 20% and its impossible to go below that.
I will always have a fat face.
It’s called will power, absolutely amazes me some people have no control over what they eat, like just don’t fill your house with junk?
Don't drink too much water
Get busy
Eat foods you like
If you were a skinny teenager, you would realize that you did all of this as a kid.
if you gain that much then you should be able to gain muscle easier as well, just lift more and you'll out gain the fat
low carb
lifting + cardio
How do naturally fat people do it, lmao? I eat 2500-3000 kcal a day while lifting and I'm still a damn 55 kg twink.
It's all genetics bro. You can maybe get skinny if you starve yourself your entire life, but it's not worth it.
This user is right. You're making the choice to eat shit. It's up to you what you eat and nobody else is going to help you.
You dont eat 3k and stay 55. You are not special. You are a delusional faggot
>Don't drink too much water
Does eating food make you really happy? I derive almost 0 pleasure from food so i can take it or leave it most of the time.
Serious. It increases your appetite for some reason
Just drink to thirst, it's what those skinny guys do too.
>a piece of bread
more like a whole loaf, fatass. Just stop eating so fucking much, that's literally it.
I was a little heavy, but not a turd. I do intermittent fasting and eat well. Ive lost about 20lbs and Im only about 5 away from my ideal weight
Its called moving, like walking and running etc
Try it!
>Pretty much eat a piece of bread and gain 5 lbs.
First step is to stop lying to yourself.
You're just a retard.
Don't buy bread and other bullshit. If I gave you $1000 not to eat bread for a month, could you? $10,000?
If yes then you clearly value it, but being thin alone simply isn't worth it to you by something less than $1000 or $10,000.
If no, holy fuck you love bread irrationally
>feel bit shitty
>take piss
>it's a bit yellow, not clear
>drink water immediately
>feel better
Drink to keep the piss clear
have you ever asked "naturally" skinny people what their diet is? mostly carbs.. idiot
Holy crap, Fat Cavil looks like Papa John
Stop stuffing your fat fucking face.
Imma print this and post it on my bedroom to see every day. Thanks for the motivation user
Carbs don't make you fat.
Well I'm glad you might be doing something good then.
the only difference is that we had better parents who taught us healthy habits during childhood
>Too much water
Jesus fucking Christ
>I eat 2500-3000 kcal a day while lifting and I'm still a damn 55 kg twink.
1 packet of ramen noodles and a snickers is not 3000kcal
you can eat a shitload and still lose weight, just eat less calorie dense foods.
i used to eat 3 meals a day of pasta, lasagna, hamburgers, hot dogs etc etc with tons of heavy sauces on everything, milk with every meal, pb&j sammies as a bed time snack and of course drinking on the weekends and i wondered why i was a fat fuck.
i eat the same amount of food now but with tons of veggies, fruits, lean meats, eggs etc, only water and only low kcal condiments. gaining weight is actually a challenge now. you just gotta educate yourself.
I dunno. I sometimes forget to eat until dinner.
155lb skellyfag reporting in, just eat less. I barely eat around 2k calories a day just to not lose weight. Most skinnyfags who claim to eat like 4K calories a day are full of shit, just like fatties claiming to be dieting. Eating a lot sucks and I don’t care about gaining weight.
Fat people don't do resistance training
I don't mean to ruin your dreams OP, but some people just have fat faces
>t. skinny with babyfat face
I got up to 165 a few months ago and was like "shit I'm fat." then kind of half assed dieted for a few months stayed at 160 for a while, step on the scale today after eating whatever and I'm up to 167. Dammit I'm thick again. I'm also 5'7 that's why I look fat at 167.