Black vs White Pill Thread

ITT: Debate the black pill vs the white pill. The black pill is a lie made by incels to explain away their failures with women, change my mind.

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What's the whitepill? Going to school and having a father?

Idiots, the whole lot of you.

The "blackpill" or any defeatist cope mechanism is for losers who won't make it

the very final redpill is the ebonypill

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I prefer to take the nopill pill, walking around daily in blissful ignorance of whatever the fuck is happening around me

The whitepill is that women are capable of loving someone who isn't a 10/10 chad, and that your virginity is generally not caused by looks but by lack of confidence or social grace.

>lack of social grace
that's a nice way to put it, better than the "personality" thing

There are no pills.

There is only information and if/how you choose to accept, discard, or utilize information.

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You don’t /thread your own post retard

The actual whitepill: All humans are supposed to be chads and stacies, the reason why everyone is a fucking ugly mutant is due to vaccines, radiation, chemicals, shit diets and other technological bullshit factors. Google old photos of people, even 80's people were normal still. Especially estrogenic crap, like fluoride and plastics, which f-s males up beyond belief, making them feminine looking. You can your entire body with the right set of inputs, you'll grow in height, you'll grow noral face and normal body, and even dick. You can even change your race, race is just adaptation to cliate and set of inputs of certain geological location, this adaptation is much more rapid evolition is utter bs. How about this one.

lol nice one.
Is this pasta? If not I appreciate the effort you put in it

>your virginity is generally not caused by looks but by lack of confidence or social grace
That's worse actually. At least there's surgery for your face. How am I supposed to correct being a sperg in my formative years? Go skating with a bunch of eigth graders and fuck a 14 yo?

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ive recently white pilled and it feels really good, coming from blackpill. lots of improvements already. i believe in humanity again feelsgoodman

Why even listen to incels? Would you get your car fixed by a guy who is unable to fix cars?

It's really not that hard to become a better person

>The black pill
"The" black pill as you put it doesn't exist. A black pill just means ANY depressing or demoralizing thought, news, or other information, it's not and never has been strictly related to women, relationships, or sex. You are literally fucking retarded OP.

The black pill killed my college years. Made me a depressed and bitter sperg. Since abandoning that I am having better luck with women. I don't doubt that there are some people out there genuinely ugly enough to never find love but its probably only 5-10% of self-proclaimed incels.

Dude your personality is so maleable just do different things until it's easy lmao.

nice, yeah the blackpill is literally just incorrect and a terrible worldview.

>dat date
Holy shit. user killed RBG by jerking off to her.

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Thats what the pills represent tho dumbo

>accepting information is redpill
>rejecting is blue pill

>juss be a decent human being bro
Brb let me try socialising with a miniscule margin of error between being a shy loser and a loud embarrasing sperg

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it's not rocket science, just be polite what is so difficult about this for you

real men take the blackpill and get themselves some chocolate honeys and make some mixed chads. only disgusting white "women" will disagree

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blackpill is fucking gay and for normies, for libtards. it's like when roasties (and faggots too) glorify being mentally ill like having depression and anxiety
>durr I'm le too blackpilled doomer
nice way of saying you're a demoralized cuck, you fucking normie

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...Bomber Ahmed looks like he would be a better friend and generally better person than Incel Gary.

Based beyond comprehension


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Just stay blackpilled then and be miserable i guess.

White pill is
>Exercising because it's fun
>Realizing what an amazing machine your body is, and keeping it well-maintained
>Regarding women as equal, not looking down on them, not putting them on a pedastal
>Actually having one or two female friends that are fun to hang out with
>Ditching your regimen every once in a while to do other sports with friends
>Taking responsibility for your problems, no matter who caused them
>Being your own best friend

blessed user