Do you meditate ?

Why you don't meditate

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Don't know how

I don't want a psychotic episode.

Huh? I am. Have done about 15 min right about now and will do another 15 min after my workout this evening.

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doesn't do anything from me just gives me random tingles

It's hard
Daily I try to close my eyes and think about stuff for 5 to 10 minutes, I don't know if it counts as meditating

Bruh if you come hot out your meditation to browse Zig Forums with renewed mindfulness, jesus christ what are you even meditating for

>he doesnt do mindful shitposts on his favorite taiwanese basket weaving forum

Don't expect to become good in an week as you wouldn't expect to become strong in one month.

what's the purpose though why meditate

Try focussing on your breathing. 6 seconds in, 6 seconds out.

chinese, hippies and indians meditate, look at the heights thier "culture" has reached, i think i'll pass thanks.

what an arbitrary reason to give
post body dyel


Almost got lost one time and decided it was too risky to continue

But Christians also meditate meditation is an universal experience.

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lmao post body you retarded redditfugee

Sam Harris is the best teacher for meditation, the waking up app was great before I ran out of my free month. A shame I ain't gonna pay that jew a single cent.

Prolonged meditation put me in a psychosis for about a year

You were just a madman before that.

i cant even meditate for 5 minutes in a day but i spend like 5 hours on my phone. how do i break this cycle bros. how do i unlock the secrets of discipline? any advice please

That seems likely, but replacing empty minded meditation with prayer (I know the two are similar) helped quite a bit. It feels nice to know someone who cannot be taken away from me is helping and loving me.

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I go through phases. Sometimes I have half a year where I do 15 mins in the morning and 15 in the evening. Sometimes I lose the habit for a few months. Building back up right now, doing 10 mins a day. Hardly anything but it's a struggle when you lose the habit.

Read a fucking book

Really, nigga? Everyone who posts on Wikipedia is Jewish? Why would they expose themselves with early life?

I don't want to be alone with my mind
too many unresolved issues prowling in the dark

How do I into oni mode?

That's all the more reason to meditate and overcome that, doubtful dubs

Maybe read the thread.

Meditation is being alone with nothing, you get to stop thinking about your issues