Which one Zig Forums?

Which one Zig Forums?

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You can deadlift anywhere in the old school gym, but gym thots attend new school only

Free weights will always overrule machines.

Motherfucking old school gyms with vintage bodybuilding posters on the wall and passive aggressive notes from the owner and the biggest juiced out guys in hoodies timberlands and stringy tank tops

Doesn't matter at all

old school home gym

top one is another angle of the same gym with some instagram filter on it

Whichever one has platforms and bumpers.

Modern. Less disease and more chicks to smell

The layout, walls and floor are completely different

The one who's closest to my home, Like nigga I go at 3AM, no one's there.

Daily reminder if your gym has mirrors it's a soiboi gym.

>that "old school"

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A woman/someone who doesn’t lift made this. “Old school” gyms have rusty equipment, only mirror is in the can, and writing or pictures all over the wall.

SOUL vs. soulless

If you're concerned about the aesthetics of your gym then you are never gonna make it.

the fuck is half this shit

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It's called training equipment you zoomer

why is there a tv

I hate gyms that has mirrors on every wall, it only means that I have to move more carefully as to not hit the mirrors with training equipment, not to mention that I can constantly see my ugly face
Old school>Modern

so zoomers can get a boner while watching cnn

>passive aggressive notes from the owner
I hate these tho

I used to use an air force base gym and it was pretty much perfect. Had absolutely everything anyone could ever need from a gym and was pretty clean and straightforward but not to some prissy, glossy, extent as depicted in the OP.

The one with flashy free weight/machine gear that's catering to serious lifter.

T. love lifting in gym like pic related

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How am I going to check my form nigga.

good form doesn't need to be checked.
but these digits do

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Ok but how do I know my form is actually good? I don't carry a twink spotter femboy with me everyday.
Also check these, noob.

I've never seen a 1:1 anatomic model in any gym
it would be very informative
but fucking creepy, I must admit

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The one that’s empty

looking in the mirror literally causes your form to be wrong