/SIG/ Self Improvement General

Self improvement is the cornerstone and ultimate purpose of personal fitness

How have you improved yourself this week/month/year? Lifting isn't life, a well-balanced human being is productive, has hobbies, pushes him/herself to succeed, is charismatic, and strives to live the best life they can. Share your successes, failures, methods, and everything in between.

Basic Recommendations:
>Lift weights
>Have a productivity Framework that is flexible. A mindset that gets you going.
>Use a calendar, like google calendar. Hours and shit for things YOU WILL DO.
>Learn to focus.
>Do routines for things you should do periodically/daily, this should cover daily things or weekly chores such as laundry, cleaning, shopping.
>Identify and Eliminate conflicts within yourself.
>Focus on identifying the time wasters in your life and eliminate them.
>Focus on the essentials. If you try to do everything at once you’ll burnout. Little by little.

Make peace with yourself and the way things are right now.
Stop thinking the world owes you, how destiny ‘fucked you over’, how those guys have it easier.
Accept things as they are, realize that life is cruel and your circumstances are the ones you were given. You can’t do shit about the starting point, but you can move forward.

Don’t focus in what was given to you, focus in what you’ll achieve.

Eliminate the things you dislike about yourself, about your life. Is as simple as, do you enjoy your job? No? Take steps to change the feeling.
How are you gonna make that? You either make your job more enjoyable, or you change jobs. Simple.
You want a girl? how do you plan to achieve that? Are you too socially inept? Work on that.
Are you piss poor and can’t afford a decent living? Work on that too.

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I haven't watched porn since October 2nd. I will never watch it again. I either jerk off to my mind's spank bank or to PG-13 tier pictures of attractive women - no nudity whatsoever. In that timeframe, I have noticed that my refractory period has been reduced, my libido is up slightly, and my boners are getting harder again.

Around the same time, I started lifting with 2 friends. We all pitched in for a bench, squat rack, and weights. It's been years since I had a proper lift routine, so I've totally fallen out of shape. Even so, we lift 3 times a week together, and on the off days I do push ups and curls (arms and chest are my weak points). I go outside without a shirt for at least an hour to get as much sunlight as possible on those days as well.

Lastly, I hated my job, which was a at-home sitting at a desk for 8 hours gig. I quit. I found another job which has me on my feet more. It pays less but I don't have to deal with people and their bullshit. It's piss easy. And I can plan my workouts with my bros around it.

For the first time in years, I am close to being happy again. After a couple more months to get into the routine, and to clear the holiday season, I will be starting my diet to lose weight. That's really the final challenge. And then, the only challenge will be to not give up.

We're all gonna make it, bros. You just have to keep getting back up.

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Congrats user you got this
(((they))) have been purging SIG lately

I personally have been three weeks weed free, two weeks no nicotine, and was six weeks alcohol free before taking a single shot over the weekend as a celebration for my bro getting engaged with the rest of the groomsmen

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I need serious help. I spend about 12 hours a day on Zig Forums or YouTube. The only time I'm not on my phone is when I'm at the gym. It's ruining my life. I have so much I want to do like read books and learn the piano but I'm just too addicted. Wut do?

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Get rid of your phone, duh. I've never had a smartphone and I have no problems. When I'm not at my computer desk, I'm paying attention to the world around me.

You don't need an NSA spy device.

Based digits and screencap

Thanks user. Good job on cooling it with the degeneracy. I never had a drug problem, but I have a food problem. We will conquer them all.

It's easy to fall into that trap. Technology and the internet have taken over fucking everything. Unless you have iron willpower to control yourself, you will have to physically distance yourself from those portals to hell. Get an old fashioned flip phone. Secure your PC in a way to make it not easy to just hop on and waste time. But most importantly, find something else to do. The only way to truly break a habit is to replace it with something else.

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this meme is kinda inspiring. Reminds me to work harder and use my time better

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You have to accept that you are responsible for your choices and position in life, and no one else.
You have to accept that making a change will at first be the most difficult thing you ever did.
You have to begin with small steps, little daily changes and stick with them - consistency is key
Read the book The Slight Edge by Jeff Olsen, order it right now.
You are ultimately in charge of your own destiny, and the pain you feel on your deathbed when you finally realize this will be infinitely worse than the shame you are feeling now.
Good luck friend, I wish you the best but ultimately it all comes down to you

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fuck im really happy for you. Sounds like a good life.

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>I either jerk off to my mind's spank bank or to PG-13 tier pictures of attractive women
bruh just stop whacking your cock


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hello, i am extremely schizophrenic as well as bipolar and i have been going through a major manic episode the past few weeks and ive spent basically the entire time studying demonology and reading things like the lesser key and attempting to summon and speak with various demons. anyway i woke up today and looked at my body in the mirror and i must have gained about 15lbs of muscle since i last thought of my body, as well as possibly grown about 3 inches taller. i have spent literally all day today doing nothing but eating meat (cooked at first and then throughout the day, well, less so) and masturbating and feeling my body and looking at myself in the mirror. i am beautiful now. i know 100% for a fact this is not the right place to ask but /sig/ should i just roll with this or go to a doctor help me pls