How to get better at 5-a-side?

How to get better at 5-a-side?
I'd ask on /sp/ but they're all fat fucks that don't actually play.

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Git gud

Useful advice thanks user

>not about bodybuilding or whether i should touch my penor so Zig Forums doesn't care

I used to just do rainbow flicks to piss people off. Seriously, you just need to be good at one touch football and moving the ball quickly not hanging on to it.

This is an American website and Americans don't care about soccer. It's the sport for girls here

Watch the guys hips and the ball not his feet

do a real sport like boxing or muay thai

get that faggot crap off my screen this board is gay enough already without soccer threads

At an amateur level, having good cardio to keep the pressure on the players, to run back and forth and to always be available to receive the ball does 90% of the trick. The rest consists of having good technique (if you want to humiliate your pals) and good timing (give the ball at the right time to the right guy). That's it my dude.

Idk man. I played travel and Olympic development but never played 5v5. Practice with your teammates for technical skills then play lots of 5v5 for experience

Post body with timestamp

>yanks hating the beautiful game because of some deep-seated complex about their own masculinity
yeah i need to get more chances to practice outside of games but it's hard to find space/people to practice with and kickups in my garden will only get me so far. reckon watching professional 11-a-side will help my game?
this is something someone told me before today's game and its great advice because there are some nifty players who can fake out what direction they'll go

i'm dutch
soccer is for third world ape people owned by billionaires to represent random countries and cities that have nothing to do with them

? I couldn't give a shit about professional football I just play it with my friends and wanted tips to get better in my local league

I don't know: an 11 game is not the same thing as with 5. Not the same type of cardio (5aside being more like boxing and soccer being more like a 10km), nor the same type of football. But it is still better than nothing.
If you want to improve by watching, watch Futsal and focus on how the defenders play. It is an important part overlooked by beginners, look how they step back with a side steps and not facing the player (who can eliminates you easily would you not do that), look what is the strongest foot to know where he'll tend to go if he wants to pass you, how often one is faking a shoot and where to not throw yourself easily.

Practice makes perfect indeed. You can stiil work alone though (try bouncing the ball on the wall without letting it fall, juggling whenever you can in your house etc.) And run mf.

sorry dude soccer is for niggers or faggy posh cunts

11v11 is very different from 8v8 which is very different from 5v5. You can work on technical skills by yourself by passing against a wall, juggling the ball, doing basic footwork drills, etc. I played center mid in 11v11 so my ability to pass and distribute the ball was a make or break thing but other positions are different. Strikers are more about dribbling ability while defenders are all about well defending against dribblers and being able to keep possession of the ball


Keeping the ball on the ground is king in 5aside, try to focus on that

And you came to a burger board to ask about the ultimate sport? On a 5-a side is all about skill and how talented you are. I've seen scrawny anorexic teens having the ball glued to their feet. Can't tell you what to do because i only play 11vs11, since i'm a workhorse, but having a great physique is probably around 30% of being a good football player

>faggy posh cunts
that's rugby m8. football has been a staple pastime of the British working classes for over a century. its social and it's a great bit of exercise
Thanks lads, I'm going to take my ball to work and do your recommended drills on my lunch breaks
I despise hiit but I'll have to start, I was flagging towards the end today. I can run but it doesn't translate well to football.

I'm regretting it already. tbqh I have got some useful information and discussion, but I thought being the fitness board there'd be more. it turns out this board really is /lookism/

90% of people here either don’t lift or have lifted for 6 months or less. There are only 2 threads on here where the average poster lifts

Practice more? I don’t know what to tell you.

What level are you playing at? That will help us more.... Are you complete beginner?

>no response

>this is something someone told me before today's game and its great advice because there are some nifty players who can fake out what direction they'll go
It's literally the best advice I ever got as a defender. My hometown is one of the most Mexican places in America so knowing how to guard a dribble autist is essential.

3 touch pass is king of 5v5 movement and pulling defenders out of space. Dribbling will slow the game too much and let the defenders get compact. Touch, cardio, and quick passes is what you want to work on. For defense stay compact if they get the ball wide that's fine most goals wont be scored from an aerial cross.

Stop running so much. Passing the ball is 10x more effective as it forces the opponent to run around more and get exhausted so by the second half you can outmaneuver them.

This technique requires practice by the team though

1. Kick a ball against a wall
2. When ball returns flick it up in the air, juggle it a few times, and lightly kick it back (out of the air)
3. When you fuck up your kick back, which will inevitably happen, chase it down and trap it with your foot, flick it up, juggle it a couple of times, and kick it back.
4. Doing an actual pass every once in a while too then do they juggle stuff above

Use a cheap ball as the wall may fuck it up after a few sessions depending on the wall, and get indoor soccer shoes.

Also walk around/dribble the ball in your house for like 20 minutes every day.

This shit helped me so much in the winter when I couldn’t play soccer outside when I was in my teens. Your ball control will skyrocket which honestly will help you way more in team sports then just shooting on goal.

Have fun.

Do you normally tend to play more up top or more defensively? In 5v5 I’m sure you guys are switching often but it may help you to understand your teammates and your own playstyles. Angles are huge in small sided soccer, try to always force your opponents towards the sidelines when they have the ball and make sure you’re positioned so that you can deflect it if they just launch a blind shot while you’re covering them. Cardio is vital like others have said, you may want to start doing short sprints (we usually did suicides or 530s but they may be called something different where you live). Beating people with a dribbling move is really not that effective unless you have great ball skills since there’s so little room, quick passes and making runs for through balls will work a lot better for 99% of people. Good communication with your team also really helps and doesn’t take hours or exercise or training to do. Let your team know if you’re pushing up or if there’s someone trying to get in behind them, if your bro is getting locked up by the defense call out for a pass back, all kinds of stuff like that can make you a valuable teammate even if you aren’t the most athletic or skilled. Good luck out there breh

>i'm dutch
yeah of course you dislike football being from the biggest choking nation in the sport