>heavy edition
Bodybuilding General (/bbg/) is for all things related to bodybuilding: training, nutrition, recovery, supplementation, posing, competition prep, etc.
Threadly question:
>How heavy do you want to get?
If you're going to ask questions, please include the following:
>height, weight, rough body fat estimate, sex
>how long you've been training *productively*
>anything else relevant, like gear use or missing limbs
Everybody is welcome, because we're all gonna make it. If you give advice, it's probably not a bad idea to post timestamped body and trip.
Zig Forums library of PDFs: drive.google.com
Other recommended education:
Reddit r/steroids; Intensemuscle forums, elitefts
Advices radio network: Blood, Sweat, And Gear; Drugs N Stuff; Muscle Minds
Fouad Abiad: Real Bodybuilding Podcast; Bodybuilding and Bollocks
Dorian Yates, John Meadows, Scott Stevenson, Fouad Abiad, Jordan Peters, Dusty Hanshaw, Dante Trudel (IG), James Hollingshead, Nick Walker
Dorian Yates: Seminars at Appollon Gym, Gaspari MD series, 2016 seminar. Training videos with Chris Cormier, Mark Duggale, Charlie Johnson. Blood and Guts and Inside the Shadow movies. Interviews with London Real, Valuetainment, Escape Fitness, Hodgson's
John Meadows: Everything, particularly related to exercise selection and sequencing as well as intensity techniques
Tom Platz: Anything Leg related, David Hoffman training