So France is going into lockdown soon (matter of days). What's the best program to improve bodyweight lifts easily (exercises, timing, rest, etc) ?
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kill Macron for that prison gains
Invest in bitcoin when it fall down
its never going down again user
He doesn't know
I thought Europeans were already done with their lockdowns
Va sur Leboncoin fagot et achète des poids, un banc et autres racks avant que les juifs ne t'assigent chez toi
Achete ceci chez Decathlon 5€ frere.
Aussi sur le dernier thread calisthenic, un type a posté un lien mega avec des livres pour toi. De la balle poto.
How tf am I supposed to step up my deadlift game with a pair of 10kg dumbbells ?? God I hate this hsit
You deserve everything you get for being by French.
Eh parles en anglais ou retourne sur jvc pd
It's because I saw that you were French that I used your shitty language fagot
merci mec, je vais checker ça
On dit faguette
>rejected from the American military because of depression diagnosis from when I was fucking 15
>spend a year learning french and doing pullups to join the FFL
>buy ticket to Aubagne
>france goes into lockdown
>FFL requires you to confirm ahead of time when you'll be there and they'll tell you if they have any openings
>rumor is they're going to restrict all enlistments again
I may just go to another shrink to get a clean bill of health and try the national guard. This global pandemic is very inconvenient.
Its over for our gains frenchbros
Go to Leboncoin, Decathlon, Intersport and others have nothing in stock, even in store
You are welcome.
Just buy more.
frenchbros, when is it gonna end ? Our government just want the lockdown so that we can spend our money during christmas time, but we'll be right back when we are right now.
They don't even care about the "economy", they just want the big CEO to get their money while destroying the little businesses.
Everything feels pointless, thank god lifting exists.
My old man's got some old ciment bags at his house could I somehow use them for some powerlifting moves ?
First rule of depression : never go see a fucking shrink. They are useless and will fuck you further by banning you from many careers.
Maybe capitalism really is gay and unbased
And the majority are Jews
The only way to get past a psychological condition disqualification is a clean report from a psych professional. Even if MEPS doesn't go for it (which they haven't yet), I can show it to the legion doctors to show them what bullshit my diagnosis was.
I'm lucky enough to have a close friend who's mother is a psychiatrist, I asked for some shady unofficial psychanalysis, and was diagnosed bipolar type 2, if I did it the official way jewpills would have been forced down my throat and on top of that I'm studying to become an english teacher, I would be banned from any teaching career
It really is shit.
Is this just an amerimutt thing?
I was diagnosed severe depression when I was 17 and I work on an oil rig. Had to do a medical examination and tick a bunch of boxes to say I don't have depression etc. + reference my doctor.
I haven't heard anything and still have my job after a year so either HR is being lazy getting my records from my GP or they legally aren't allowed to record/give out that information.
Yeah its a burger thing.
HIPPA is very strict about who can access your records. People are just dumb and fall for background screening questions. Unless your diagnosis is tied to a criminal action or a previous firing it's basically in a black box.
oh god no no no please
Sprechen sie Englisch sie Französisch Sau
convenient timing for a 'new wave' to help put massive downward pressure on global markets right before the US election. even if you don't believe that to be true, the fact that there is a 'second wave' has to be total bs because the 'second wave' apparently started back in june for all other countries (and they got over it). so why is europe getting this 5 months later?
Merci mon khey tu nous régale
Ah yes, right before the start of flu season is the time to keep everyone indoors and prevent people from exercising. Good to know governments around the world are filled with the best and brightest minds to make decisions like these.
La future de la France et la langue Francaise et un grand ghetto des negres et des muselmans. Personne existe pas en France aujourd'hui qui peux trouver un bout d'optimisme dans la future, c'est sur
Le sacrebleu parle angles et suce moi bite OP