Is this kid natty? British gymshark athlete 17 years old claims 100% natty and just hit a 300kg deadlift while cutting down. Squat is like 260kg or something and bench like 160kg. Sounds like an obivious roider but is it possible hes just got elite genetics?
300kg deadlift at 17
No. 100% roids + nigger genes
You mean superior. Anyway, go back to
How many white boys you dunked on recentely?
Why do these people claim natty? Everyone should just be as honest as Haack, stop deluded natty liftlets into thinking it’s possible. It isn’t. You’ll always be a liftlet natty, he’s not pulling lmao7pl8 at 17 natty. It’s not even a question. Unless he’s 4’2, 400#, but even then, his mobility would prevent him.
Selective breeding of livestock will do that
He's hella strong. Most dudes can take as much steroids as they want and never be able to achieve that. He's like another Larry Wheels. He's gonna break world records one day.
what if he just has larry wheels genes? who says a 17 year old cant pull 700 natty? thats just a limit we set for ourselves, its not written anywhere
its not the weight, because theres some big guys out there at that age, its more the body type and fat percentages
>58118577 (You)
>even when he was 17
You have a point, which I missed to touch on, this kid is not the type of “big guy” who’s doing it natty, just look at his body type and bf%
Being a fraud is cool and fine; just don’t lie to the naive kids.
>buy my supplements and official gumshark tm gear
bait alert
Kevin knee deadlifted like 400 kg at 19/20
A legit strongman, who weighed 295 and was sauced. Cmon.
my point was there is always a bigger fish, this guy is just gifted at DEADLIFTS, he doesnt bench more than 320, and at 17 that bench isnt special at all, nowaday it just happened there are lot of gifted deadlifter who are weak at everything else
> gymshark
> known for having fake natties spokespeople
> asking if natty
k bro
Ever seen an actual African in your life? Most of them are skinny bottlehead ass bitch manlets.
>Gym shark
Do you even need to ask? Ofc roids
Why this mf just sitting around with a mouthguard in??
Based and Jimmy the Greek pilled
Some people grind/clench their teeth when they lift.
more like african predecesors who moved to the uk to live there, not truly british amrite lad?
Doesn't matter how it happened but it is funny how the whitoid created their own replacement
You sorry fool. Nobody was breeding niggers for intelligence.
Its only 300kg. I hit 200kg after lifting a year and a half natty as a True Englishman.
Gimmie three more years and i'll hit 300
massive chap. keep us updated gov
There has never been a white worlds strongest man winner
Could be 0.1% genetics, but obv roids
>he could only bench 2 pl8(100kg) ONCE
>BENCHES 3.5PL8 (160KG
>he gained a 60kg bench in 1 year
I hope he is bc that's really impressive bit I doubt it, but natty or no that's still a mad lift man for a 17 y/o
something doesn't add up
Stop deluding yourselves anons. It would be cool and all but it's not 0.1% chance. It's exactly zero. This guy is roiding. Getting roids is easier than getting heroin or coke.
People living around the Baltic sea are generally the strongest people by pure strength though
Holy shit nigger