could you stop his next rampage?
Sam is 6'4
Only if I was a cute twink, cause then he'd stop to fuck me the fucking fag
Being this big is why no one did anything to him in Yale Lives Matter
Why would I?
hes 6'3
i would aid him
hes 6'2
He's only 6 foot
isn't Sam 5'9?
wish i could stop seeing this has been on every board
isnt sam like 5'6
isn't Sam Hyde's height 5'4?
Sam is 7'10
I hope you keep getting away with it.
I'm powermanlet so yeah. I'd take him down and armbar him.
go to bed Charls
kek sam is 5'1
Why do yall worship mass shooters?
>Tell mass shooter I know what they've been through, appeal to their political leanings or confess my depression/suicidal past
>Ask them if they have a sidearm and want me to help
>wait and shoot them in the head
>tell them I distracted him and everyone's already ran away, if he wants I can take his life so he doesn't have to pull the trigger on himself
>take gun and shoot him in the stomach so he painfully bleeds out
>profit as instant hero, tell news reporters I support the 2A and I was the good guy with a gun, dismantle NFA and ATF
this came to me in a dream btw
he literally posted his height on gumroad and it's 3' 11"
I will have to research this
>dismantle NFA and ATF
I love you
No one did anything because there were hardly any blacks there and none of them were protesting
>5' 9''
ill punch his knees so bad he falls down MANLET POWER
I doubt it
guy in gif is 210 max
damn when is this pic from he seems like so much more of a FATNIGGA these days
Posted on his instagram in August
the smaller guy in the gif is Fedor Emelianenko who weighted around 240
O lmao that's Fedor, then you have even less of a point since fedor is 6', that guy is nearly 7. You are also not Fedor.