How can i be interesting to women when i talk about fitness?

how can i be interesting to women when i talk about fitness?
even most guys dont understand shit about fitness let alone girls bc if their body looks good its their genetics

they seem receptive when i do it but i believe they could be just pretending to be interested bc they already like me, like when we men pretend to listen to them rambling

anyone can relate?

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I once tried to talk with a girl about fitness, because she does lift. But I felt like she felt uncomfortable talking about it, like she was ashamed of lifting.


Nice digits and also perfect female body

The same way you are interesting to women when you talk about any topic. But using emotions and flirting. If you are just autistically talking about weightlifting you could just be reading a dictionary to them..

and she probably DYEL

how did that go? tell me more about it

read my post again

i read it, you aren’t engaging their emotions if they seem bored. stop looking for sympathy from other anons. most girls don’t care about this kind of shit and you should be able to tell

Well it was in a more general conversation.She mentionned that she had started to work out, at the gym, and with weights. So I started asking her questions about which exercises, routine, and somehow I got the feeling she wasn't really interested in talking about this so I changed the subject.

Its probably because she has no idea what she's doing and felt uncomfortable. Many such cases


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Priscilla Ricart, you are welcome

Just date me, user. I love to talk fitness, its my favorite hobby :3

just talk about it like its an hobby and k them if they know anyone at their gym and if they follow some fitness youtuber / influencer etc

ask them

you're fuck ugly dude, forget about it
went out last week and explained the difference between the new xbox and ps5 to a hot blonde, she listened with an open mouth, we fucked an hour later

stop making dudes look bad with your streetshitter-tier "PUA"


who gives a shit if they're interested. all it matters is that you are

Yeeees man sexoooooo

Take your shirt off. Either you look good enough that they are interested in anything you say or they will ask, why it doesn't work


never talk about fitness, no one gives a fuck. If you have to bring up fitness in conversations then you're DYEL, if you're fitness shows itself then theres no need to talk about.

Theres nothing more boring than talking about picking up things and putting them back down for 2 hours a day, you wouldn't talk about eating healthy or sleeping 8 hours a day either. Get a real hobby or just ask women questions about their interests like a real man.


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girls ask me about my workouts all the time even though they either dont really care or are cardio bunnies that go running 3 times a week, stop posting virginFUD


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Fucking this, lol
Y'all really excel at over-complicating this. And here's the kicker: You're supposed to get rejected. Things are supposed to be awkward at first. Not every conversation is something you have to knock out of the park. The only way you learn how to be social is to screw it up a few times, which teaches you how to better read body language and social cues.

Go out and talk to women, and get rejected. Then dust off, do it again, lather-rinse-repeat. It's not the end-result you're after. Just like weightlifting, it's a perpetual work in progress.

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I exclusively tell women that I don't workout and occasionally run just to make other guys around me at bars insecure, git gud. Girls know i workout, they don't give a fuck what I actually do at the gym as long as the results are good. Try explaining any part of your routine to a woman and you'll have a really boring convo.

>how can I be interesting
Look good and say anything

>haha i do this to make insecure!
>t. massively insecure virgin

The best thing I ever learned on this board was that cringe is the DOMS of social gains

>we men
woman detetced

This or look okay and be mostly aloof but funny sometimes.

cope more skelly, shouldn't you be asleep until the 31st anyways?

stfu, that thing doesn't happen

op here
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nobody answered but at least i read this