Are saturated fats bad for you?

Are saturated fats bad for you?

Attached: milana.jpg (616x1380, 160.42K)

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whatever, dude, I'm still voting Trump

this, 4 more years libtards

reply to this post or your mother dies in her sleep tonite

too much of them are


when you troll an libtard. epic style.

Attached: FUCK LIBTARDS.png (500x1130, 221.82K)

They are in the context of carbohydrate intake. If you don't eat carbs, saturated fats are the healthiest thing you can eat, probably.


Are these automated/bot responses triggered because filename?

why do you keep spamming this guy all over the board? fuck off back to whatever discord you crawled out of

Fats are a building block used in EVERY cell in your body. Unsaturated fats are extremely prone to oxidation. Saturated fats are stable and will not oxide as easily. You decide which type of fat you want your body to be made of.

depends on the source. they are healthy in moderation

voting biden and you can't stop me
stay mad

this board is raided by all these diet guru cock suckers every other day
first it was ketocels
then vegansois
right after came the carnivore and raw meat retards
now it's the ray peat dyels

they do it for free, it's amazing how fucking stupid they are

Never gonna make it.

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Ok I'm voting for Trump but I'm not doing it again!

no retard it's because this thread is obviously a vegan shill

jokes on you faggot

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fuck off lefty

That is a beautiful woman though.




