I'm in the fuckin' best shape of my life since this cocksuckin' quarantine started but I see a lot of bitches whining and complaining about how they've GAINED WEIGHT, what the fuck? Uhh, are they seriously just sitting on their fat ass all day eating fuckin' chocolate and drinking fuckin' cocktails? Move your fuckin' retarded little asses, bitches, you're a fuckin' disgrace. Especially Weimerimutts. Fuckin' 43% of the population is obese? It's a joke. Get it together you fuckin' animals. I'm trying to fuck some decent cunt, not wade through an endless sea of fat asses for the rest of my fuckin' life, faggots. FUCK you.
Why are women so fuckin' fat and lazy?
>he doesn't surround himself solely with fit women who enjoy exercise
cringe, incel
Part of me like seeing young whores gain weight, but the other part of me knows that it's harder for them to get in shape since they lack test. Nobody needs to be fat... it's actually a sort of illness.
All you fatfucks reading this: stop eating today and go on the snake diet
I already got banned from the fuckin' convent last week after I raped your sister so badly she fuckin' prolapsed her cunt and ended up in the fuckin' ER, you stupid fuck. Where the fuck am I supposed to just surround myself with beautiful young women, moron?
This is a woman hate thread. This applies exclusively to women. All women have gained weight during this croronahoax and they are proud about it. I can tell by browsing Zig Forums and Zig Forums. I see people post screenshots from Twitter, Facebook, TikTok and the like.
I bet this is how it really is. Meanwhile men have used quarantine to improve themselves, they have not gained weight (I don't see any threads with screenshots of men on social media), which just goes to show how worthless all women are.
>harder for them to get in shape since they lack tes
"Getting in shape" for women simply means lower bf%, no muscles required. Don't need test to cut calories.
No you sound like a gigantic fag you fuckin' cocksuckin' piece of shit. You're OBSESSED with men, DUMB ASS.
So in a way fit women are way more impressive than fit men since testosterone is so easy way to be active and muscular, while some women do it without it
We hate all women, retard. They should never be praised for anything, they are worthless holes compared to us. Fuck off back to plebbit with your feminist ramblings, you cuck fuck
This is pretty retarded, even for OP
>I can tell by browsing Zig Forums and Zig Forums
>taking Zig Forums and especially fucking Zig Forums at face value for how the world is
That's not how you fit in here buddy. That type of talk works in but to fit in here you have to be gay and retarded. Also ask others to post body but never post yours. Common myth is that you have to lift, now welcome to Zig Forums
Post body
You first
Go eat another five fuckin' tacos you obese piece of shit, shut the fuck up faggot. I would fuckin' knock out all your teeth if you were fuckin' white knighting this hard in person.
>fuckin' cocksuckin' derr hurr
didn't read your weird boomer rant. what's wrong with using the letter G you absolute spastic
What'd you just say? Fuckin' cocksucka, shut the fuck up mothafucka.
I dont geti it either. Since the bars closed and i dont go out to drink and eat out, i lost like 5kg without even wanting to. I just ate as i always do and trained.
I do appreciate that you used proper grammer when writing cuss words.
Ohh maddon', this fuckin' guy.
Its likely just them adding the alcohol they usually drank while out with sweets while at home and being unable to control themselves or portions. I would almost wager a lot of young men get fat from drinking and a lot of young women get fat from sweets and alcohol.
I suspect the obesity rate would drop 20% if Alcohol and sweet treats disappeared from the planet forever. For whatever reason sugar seems to literally short circuit female brains.
I've actually become more fit tho
Let me see.
No I'm not impressed by guys that pick up heavy shit please show me 1 table you have built
I don't build tables, I fuck. If you're gonna come into my topic bragging about your female physique you'd better fuckin' show me.
I'm thinkin' you better keep on jerkin' your fuckin' peepee to cartoons
I also judge fat people. I try not to let my inner disgust shine through when I have to talk to them. I try to remember that addiction affects practically everybody and their particular addiction is more visible than others and that I should be more patient. Than I remember that your weight is probably the only thing in your life that you actually have absolute control over. Exerting that control does take discipline, so when I see a fat person I assume they have no discipline, which than makes me judge them all over again. The cycle never ends.
When you drop every g from your fuckin' post it just makes you sound like a god damn yokel, you know that right? Do me a favor and go learn some nuance.
No, I don't believe in using addiction as an excuse for being a weak little fuck. I used to do heroin every day for years, did speedballs for a while, switched just to coke, and eventually just stopped using those drugs when it started to be a unsustainable financially. So when I see fuckin' blobs of shit addicted to fuckin' caffeine and sugar it's just totally pathetic. Even cigarettes I just stopped smoking with half the pack in my possession for years, I don't give a fuck. PUT DOWN THE FUCKIN' FRAPPUCINOS AND HIT THE TREADMILL, CUNTS. NOW. FUCKIN' NIGGER!!
women are pretty great to be honest. they look nice and smell nice and feel nice.
Not when they're fat or black.