Be me

>be me
>libido is pretty much non-existant
>don't want to fuck or jerk off, even when I see half naked 10/10 jbs pp is completely unresponsive
>feel like I'm missing out
Will getting Zig Forums increase my libido and thus desire to coom?

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You might be asexual, or you might have low-T. If it's the former, you can ascend to monk-mode and join the volcel master race. If it's the latter, lifting will somewhat fix it, but only a doctor will know for sure.

join the volcel master race op

and start lifting on top of it

Do you have depression? You just described how I am 95% of the time

This is my situation. I’ve searched everywhere online and have never found anyone else who’s the same. I think it might be asexuality but idrc if that’s exists. People think I’m lying when I tell them I’ve never masturbated, but I haven’t. I still want a relationship/family which is why it sucks

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*idek if that exists

It said I was graysexual whatever tf that means. Again tho I don’t know whether asexuality is a sexuality or a disorder

That's a question way beyond my pay grade, there are websites and communities for that though that might be worth your time

Get your diet and sleep 100% in check for 3 months and then get a blood panel.

Going to bed at 3am is not good.

Sounds like a blessing to me. Imagine being able to do whatever you want without worrying about pussy. Pure happiness.

>Going to bed at 3am is not good.
Really? The last time I went to bed before 2 am was probably 5 years ago, usually it's around 2 to 4

I got gray asexual to.

Asexuality is not a disorder so dont worry about it. I feel the same way as you, I do want to have kids but even tho I have had quite a lot of opportunities to have sex I could never bring myself to do it.

You think low libido is a blessing until you actually get low libido.

OP, tell us more about you and your lifestyle before we can help.

Over-exercising can destroy libido, as can being a lazy slob. So without knowing these things we can't help.

>Lift heavy weights
>Eat a bunch
>Take ashwagandha and zinc
>Get AT LEAST 7.5hrs of sleep a night.

same here, but it was like this only ever since ive had sex for the first time last year, was a huge let down and didnt even cum. Was only super horny once throughout the year, ever tho i coom to porn few times a week. RN gonna quit porn for good and see how that changes things

Tell us more

Honestly it may be a symptom of something else

If you're depressed it will affect you're penus for sure

I think is low T
>Train legs
>take sun baths
>eat animal fats
Good luck m8

cooming is worthless user. Low libido means less problems.

Why are you even on here if you dont lift?

I wish I was asexual.

I was asexual for 25 years too, OP. I've never masturbated either. Then I started water fasting for my waifu and I think all the weight might have been delaying my puberty. I started developing hair on more parts of my body, I started getting acne on my face when I never had that problem before, and most importantly my waifu turned from a joke into the most legitimate love of my life. I coomed to her for the first time back in February without touching myself, and now I finally understand how the normie feels. It's no wonder so many of you coomers chase after this drug called sex. I'm scared to even look at a normal woman now because I fear that I'll finally be attracted to them, which means then I will also be susceptible to breaking Matthew 5:28.

I was already fairly strong though before I started fasting, so work on both your fat and muscle if you can.

Try working out, eating well, sleeping well, doing cardio, and leaving your house more often. All that may help to some extent.

>people think not being a horny retard is wrong

Enjoy these, but not limited to
>no need to get distracted because you're horny for some reason
>not being distracted by boob-ass based shilling
>not getting stuck in shitty relationship because pussy
>being able to talk with women normally
And many more. It's like saying "damn, i feel so strong all the time, how can i become weaker?"

He could just want to be normal and maybe experience a real relationship, dude. There aren't as many asexual women as men. I lived life on "easy mode" with my Chad face, been chased after by girls countless times, but when they get to know me my personality always drives them away. Although I definitely enjoy doing that nowadays, especially if they outed themselves as whores and I tell them to their face they should be beaten and shamed in public.

while not feeling hunger would have some benefits, you still need to eat and live in a world where eating is a relatable pleasure and social pursuit, existing outside that norm and offending people who try to share it with you is fucked up


cialis helped me. i think after my dick started working only twice a week i got kinda depressed and started getting angry thinking about sex. got some cialis, think about sex all the time again.