>tfw fell for the "carbs bad" meme
Holy fuck I missed chips so much, feels like my life has meaning again, ten years without them that I can't get back
Tfw fell for the "carbs bad" meme
What kind of chips?
so did you go bald without carbs or is it just a meme?
No, but serious low energy, ate a lot of fatty foods which made me feel exhausted and sleepy during the day. When I went back to carbs I suddenly felt great again, even "shitty" carbs make me feel much better.
May i introduce you to the power of the baked potato? Most filling food on the planet and goes great with everything. Could never get anywhere with cardio until i made NON-FRIED taters my staple.
The worst lie I fell for was that carbs make you hungry all the time. It's simply not true unless you have some kind of blood sugar problem. I kept eating fatty foods to avoid any blood sugar changes.
>it's a bad thing that I avoided potato chips
Eat potatoes. Eat meat. Don't eat chips unless they are baked in cow fat.
Potatoes are good. I eat potatoes every day
>people on Zig Forums unironically eating fucking carbs and potatoes
What the hell happened to this place
This. Eating baked potatoes makes cutting easy. It's pretty much 1 calorie per gram, so half a kilo of potatoes is just 500 cals. That's a lot of potatoes.
>>people on Zig Forums unironically eating fucking carbs and potatoes
>What the hell happened to this place
this better be bait
They aren’t even nutrients, it’s literally a cotporation scam and you fell for it
enlighten me in the ketotard days of oldfag Zig Forums
the truth is that those days don't exist
Ketards are almost at this level already, but still, be more subtle.
everyone knows carbs are literally poison and anti-nutrients
why do you think sugar makes kids go crazy? it's a toxin... carbs are toxic
by eating carbohydrate you slowly killing yourself
then why did OP felt low energy all the time without them?
Join our peatcord discord, we’ll help you recover
Bait, no one is this retared except for karens with sluggish thyroids
I'm not balding, have super thick hair that just falls out a lot, but since going nocarb it seems like my hair is actually shedding less. I definitely am getting the super sleepy feeling, but I also never get hungry really, so I can fast and cut like crazy. The quicker I get to my goal weight, the sooner I can eat carbs again though, so no complaints.
Literally all kito was made for was to treat epilepsy before modern medicine. They had to dump a cup of heavy whipping cream (IT IS NOT WHAT YOURE THINKING OF ITS PUTRID) onto every single last piece of their food to make it work. Theres also the problem that if you cut out carbs youre cutting out fiber because fiber is plants and ALL MOTHERFUCKING PLANTS ARE CARBS, FIBER IS FUCKING CARBS. DO NOT ARGUE WITH ME KITO FAGGOTS. Anyway fiber is important because it fills your stomach up very well for basically no calories. Just take it easy on simple sugars, okay?
500 cals is three STUFFED bowls of potatoes and it has lots of protein and vitamins.
Did you actually do keto for 10 years lol?
false equivalence
Hes literally performing mental gymnastics right now.
I'm not OP, I'm not a fucking retard lmao. I've only been running it for a bit over a month. Keto is just a weightloss diet imo, as soon as I hit goal weight I am leaving this shit in the past. I enjoy carbs too much to ever give them up permnently.
Combined with fasting though, it is way easier and faster than just standard calorie restriction. I get really tired later in the day, but I feel fine for the most part, while counting calories I was eating at ~1000 cal deficit and felt fucking horrible. Now I alternate 48 and 72 hour fasts and eat
I've yet to see a ketard and fastard post body to this day
Thats because they almost always fail.