You WILL workout in the cube

You WILL workout in the cube.

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can i bring a deadlift bar in there?

No I'm just too tired. I'm probably going to off myself in the next couple days instead. Maybe wait to see trump voted out. Or not voted out it doesn't matter. Nothing matters

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>Nothing matters

can i make a reservation or is it first come first serve?

lmao , I miss chilling on the street, everything closed :/

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Dont do it bro.

Drop acid before you do it bro, might as well go out with a spectacular bang

>le nothing matters
>thumbnail taken off google from le zoomer doomer bloomer youtube video
Ask me how I know you're 15

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>At least 9 separate sets of barbells

Big weight is too blame for this pandemic

Honestly this would be a dream come true even after COVID. I fucking hate half the skinnyfats in my gym whipping around weight with shit form or having tarmac-level loud conversations right in front of the squat rack. The gym is for working out not socializing so GO THE FUCK BACK TO YOUR CUBE

how do you know?

user. Why would someone lie on the internet?

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You won't do shit zoomer.

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Do a flip

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No I'll work out in my home gym I invested a couple grand in.

When the fuck are we exposing the kikes to the world and actually start doing shit to fight back?

have sex chud

have kids fem

I'd be fine with that if each cube had a cage and bench

yeah that is pretty much my ideal setup.
>access to all equipment i care about without waiting on people, having to adjust my order of operations, sharing in general
Home gym experience in a public gym. Fabulous.

You can also just not go to the gym you retarded shill faggot.

Stream it faggot

Jesus user. I literally lie in bed stressed out that i'm on a rock that could blow up at any time and that I have only 100 years on this planet with no hope and that thought alone scares me and makes me never want to die.
How can life be so unbearable for you that you want to die?

Don’t do it man, Jesus love you. God created you for greater things. give it all to Jesus I was in the same boat a year ago. Gave it all to God and he changed my life I have everything I want now. Don’t fucking Kill yourself call out to Jesus do it

already do, it's my apartment cunt

I would pay a premium for a rack-equipped cube

I don't know why the elite put so much effort into culling the people. They're so fucking stupid and meek they do it themselves

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bro you need a reality check, you life is miserable because you let it stay miserable. Get a skill, learn a trade, get a degree, get a girl (or guy Zig Forums approved)
Turn your life around and find happiness in this misery

No, only a smith machine.